FunAdvice Community Questions

  1. Profile just say they have 4 friends when they really have more
  2. Did this site shut down to anyone just a minute ago?
  3. Why dosen't funadvice have ads?
  4. Why does my profile do this?
  5. Can I attach a picture from my album?
  6. Why do my questions keep getting deleted?
  7. Photo won't upload?
  8. Why does my new profile take so long to load?
  9. How do you delete photos off of your page?!
  10. What do I have to do to be an advisor?
  11. Why won't my pictures show up?
  12. How do I make my profile better
  13. How do I edit my photos!?!
  14. Will someone double check my gammer?
  15. How to get my profile background to repeat?
  16. Anyone live in hawthorne nv?
  17. Opinions on the new profile color schemes
  18. Why doesn't anyone answer my questions?
  19. Why cant I see the pic comment?
  20. Pictures moderated?
  21. I marked them annonomus, where'd they go?
  22. Lock a question
  23. How did you find out about funadvice?
  24. Anonymous questions?
  25. How do you get your question on the homepage?
  26. what do you like best...
  27. Why cant I upload any more pics, anyone know?
  28. deleting pictures
  29. Number of questions
  30. locked questions
  31. haw do I change my birthdate?
  32. blackberry and this site
  33. Is my profile hard to read?
  34. people keep blocking my guestion
  35. regarding deleting questions...
  36. Friday fun, who do you think has the best custom profile?
  37. How do you become an advisor here?
  38. answerin really old questions
  39. how you got that pimptastic background?
  40. How do I reply to an answer that someone has left?
  41. anyone who lives in nz on here
  42. How to change my profiles background?
  43. who knows how to chang your profile backrond
  44. needto know why I can't get the welcome message
  45. when I'm posting answers or a question, why does it change?
  46. How do you post a question anonymously?
  47. Funadvice How long has this site existed?
  48. how do you put color to your funadvice profile??
  49. want 2 get my funmail but it really isn't working
  50. how do I set links?
  51. bold line in sent
  52. Becoming an Advisor?
  53. how to change my background and layout?
  54. Whats happening to Funadvice?
  55. just wonderin...reportin people
  56. Customizing my page
  57. Where are you and whats the time?
  58. Pretty profiles
  59. What do you think about our new profile editor?
  60. will they erase my profile if I dont log in??
  61. Clock in FunAdvice!
  62. funavice confermation e-mail no show
  63. Funadvice do you think it has a real impact on people's lives?
  64. How do you delete a question?
  65. why is iluvdux always the first person on every friend list?
  66. How did y'all make this site?
  67. How can I save a question
  68. Posting question
  69. Should we make fun mail more like "regular email"?
  70. Not American?
  71. Is there a way that a question can get deleted here?
  72. Can I delete my old questions?
  73. users can't spell
  74. Don't have to approve for someone to be my friend?
  75. Any one here live in phoenix arizona?
  76. Does anyone live in/near buena park
  77. Do you think I give good advice?
  78. I'm having trouble confirming my account, ideas?
  79. Canadians?
  80. Why do people leave Upsetting Comments for no reason?
  81. Do you know anyone in ellesmere port?
  82. How did you find this site?
  83. Why are people I don't know adding me as friends?
  84. Do you guys noramlly have a troll problem here?
  85. Does anyone live in San Clemente?
  86. How can I mark my questions anonymous?
  87. what is your favorite category ?
  88. Deleting Questions ?
  89. How do I change my username???
  90. Pic tagged
  91. Is anyone on here portuguese?
  92. How do you change your pic?
  93. Funadvice as a username
  94. What does this mean?
  95. What's the reason for some people to be hostile on here?
  96. How to delete your profile from this funadvice deal?
  97. Are you from new hampshire or vermont?
  98. Why was MY question deleted?
  99. Who's dominican or latino?
  100. How do you delete a funadvice acount?