Why was MY question deleted?

how come when I ask if I am pretty my question is delted??… but when other people ask their question is not deleted…uhh, sorry I am just agravated

Answer #1

It’s against terms of use

  1. Questions stating Can I chat, talk to me, phone numbers, etc, will be removed. We do not allow am I hot, rate my photos, how old do I look, send me an email questions OR answers - use the other site features for interpersonal communication or exchanging contact information.
Answer #2

so…if we didn’t remove them; we’d get 100+per day, asking the same thing.

If you have a picture, you’ll get tons of ratings on it…and if you really must ask people, set up a group, add your friends to it and you’ll get plenty of feedback.

Answer #3

ye mine got deleted too its because the moderators find it annoying as they always get these messages pfft they dont understand that is the only place we feel comfortable asking these questions

Answer #4

it violates rule number 12 in the Terms of Use

  1. Questions stating Can I chat, talk to me, phone numbers, etc, will be removed. We do not allow am I hot, rate my photos, how old do I look, send me an email questions OR answers - use the other site features for interpersonal communication or exchanging contact information.
Answer #5

no others peoples get deleted to! I dont understand why but they do

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