Questions & Answers

  1. What is a good diet for a 14 year old?
  2. One Eyed Fish?
  3. How do I take care of guinea pig babies?
  4. How can I get my puppy trained?
  5. What do I need for a fish?
  6. Are all guinea pigs fat?
  7. Why is my jaw so messed up???
  8. How can I convince my dad to let me get a dog?
  9. Why do boys like girls who finger themselves?
  10. Where can I learn German online?
  11. I'm under a lot of pressure, what do I do?
  12. What are some cool new songs?
  13. Why do I hate sleepovers?
  14. Where can I watch the vampire diaries episodes online?
  15. Any ideas why my phone is spazzing?
  16. Are girls crazy about porn like guys are?
  17. Is it true about sex bumps?
  18. How do I stop picking the ends of my shirt?
  19. Will the highlights look okay?
  20. What else can I do with with cheat engine?
  21. What annoys you and why?
  22. How do people find out who you sleep with?
  23. How can fingering a virgin not hurt?
  24. What are some good sites on makeup and hair?
  25. Is the swelling still going to go down even more with time?
  26. Why is it imposible to keep something a secret in highschool?
  27. How can I 'show not tell'?
  28. How can I grow taller?
  29. How can I make my feet stop growing?
  30. How can I learn German faster?
  31. How can I make my hair grow long?
  32. How do you analyze unseen prose and/or poetry?
  33. How can I lose leg and bum fat?
  34. What other language can you speak besides english?
  35. Is this pregnancy test right?
  36. What are you doing right now?
  37. Can you please finish this sentence?
  38. What do you think?
  39. Which color should I dye my hair,lighter or darker?
  40. Will a perm ever ware off?
  41. Is it a good idea to shave down there?
  42. Whats the age limit and how do I do it?
  43. Whats a diaphragm?
  44. If you are sick do you get hungry a lot?
  45. Why is it hard to pee after sex?
  46. How to make your breasts bigger ?
  47. What advice can I give to him?
  48. Is it prefered to be shaved in the genital area?
  49. How long does it take to digest gum?
  50. How can I get my period flow to be way lighter?
  51. Fast web browser?
  52. What are indigo children?
  53. Do you need your mothers birth certificate?
  54. My motherinlaw is crazy, how can I deal with it?
  55. Which pet shop boys song is this?
  56. I don't feel feminine, help?
  57. I want to convert my tiff images to text files,is it possible?
  58. Dose any body know off any good,excellent German Music?
  59. Is aids spread through kiss?
  60. If I wear a size 9 or 10 is that big?
  61. What could these stomach pains be?
  62. I don't want to get rejected, what should I do?
  63. Gift idea for my boyfriend of 2 years?
  64. Does marijuana ruin your singing voice?
  65. How can I deal with my fear of dying?
  66. What age do teenage girls stop growing at?
  67. Why do people steorytype others?
  68. Should I sing this song for my music class?
  69. What is wrong about obama winning the nobel prize?
  70. How can I stop masturbating?
  71. Is unrolling a condom supposed to be easy?
  72. What are some totally trippy songs?
  73. Where can I watch movies online for free?
  74. Know Any Good Metal Music?
  75. Should my husband or my dad take care of my finances?
  76. What are some good hot/hip hop rap songs?
  77. Dirrrty sooong.. Ohmygawsh
  78. Bible references
  79. Advice to smooth relations after insulting the in-laws
  80. Whats better regular or chocolate milk
  81. Is it ok for me to start dating?
  82. Bikini wax area gets red and irritated with ingrowns, what to do?
  83. How do I move my photos and music to a cd?
  84. We love eachother but...
  85. Why is my boyfriend lying to me?
  86. Sore throat and migraine?
  87. I froze up...
  88. Love's confusing me again
  89. Loose weight with fast results.
  90. Child abandonment in the state of california
  91. What's it take to find a tolerant and open minded woman?
  92. Whale question lol
  93. I need a love song for the girl I like
  94. trust brother or the ex who is trying to win me back
  95. Hot Topic Color Fiend ?
  96. work tomorrow!?
  97. S0 c0nfused; whats this happening?
  98. Guy trouble help
  99. I need some funny/catchy slogans please!!
  100. How can we get me brother to leave the house?