Questions & Answers

  1. who has or knows where to get the guitar notes for taylor swift's song, 15?
  2. What can i do to help my voice reach higher notes, be stronger, and sound better?
  3. what kind of decorating ideas can you use for an ABC(anything but clothes)party?
  4. Who thinks the video "What what in the butt" is for gay people? I don't think it is :/
  5. Do all videos that are posted on FunAdvice have to be serious?
  6. where can you get QUAD BIKE insurance ?
  7. How Is This Next Poem?
  8. Who can remember distinct time periods in their past?
  9. How hard is it to live with friends (at a young age)?
  10. Can you take frozen ground meat, thaw it out, and then refreeze it, or is that not safe?
  11. What are some cute ways to do eyeliner?
  12. What is the easiest way to learn how to tecktonik?
  13. what do u think is in hell and in heven?
  14. how much do school bus drivers make?
  15. What's some slang used in Engand?
  16. does anyone know how much the new hp beats studio laptop sells for?
  17. Who knows if this is normal behavior for a 2 1/2 year old?
  18. do u think immagrints should be removed from america?..i dont='(
  19. Can anyone give me some news about Devil May Cry 5?
  20. Whats better sewing with all tread or sequins ?
  21. Is Oscar Schmidth a good guitar brand?
  22. Is anyone here planning on coming to New Zealand next year for the rugby world cup?
  23. Where can I watch twilght saga the breaking dawn ?
  24. Why do both of my dogs (pincher & doberman) love licking baby powder off the floor or off of me?!
  25. What is ion-exchange?
  26. how far is it from los angelas CA. to phoenix AZ. heading west???
  27. what's the difference in a machine pistol and a compact submachine gun?
  28. what are some good character development practices for a script i have in mind?
  29. What the risk of taking Expired Medicine i got a headach and i only got some Expired Prednisolon, it expired on 5/11/10 so is it any risk of taking it?
  30. do you think people would have different taste/appreciation for music if there was no radio or mtv which would force them to discover on their own?
  31. Why am I sixteen and attracted to a thirteen year old guy?
  32. why do people hate/dislike country music?
  33. What books do you recomend that can be bought at barns and noble?
  34. is this a real quote and if so who quoted it?
  35. How far east can you go before you're heading west?
  36. What did you want to be when you were ten?
  37. When using birth control, it says to definately not smoke cigarettes; but what about smoking hookah and tobacco free shisha?
  38. Why do I get redirected to another question after I answer one sometimes?
  39. What do atheists believe about how everything came to be that seems more logical than a supreme creator?
  40. what are other funny words that arnt considered bad to society?
  41. what extracurriculars can i do in high school to have a better chance of getting into college?
  42. Why have two of the three baby parakeets that were hatched out about three weeks ago been pecked to death by one of the parents in the cage?
  43. What kind of Video making Software should I buy,If I want to make AMVs(Anime Music Video)?
  44. how can i remove a watermelon stain for a white cotton shirt?
  45. Who knows why Bam Margera and Chris Raab aren't friends anymore?
  46. what is the cheapest company light????
  47. what is a good music downloading program that doesnt get you viruses?
  48. what is a good blogging site that allows thirteen year olds?
  49. Who has heard the DOUBLE RAINBOW SONG?
  50. What do you think of my poem "Cries in the Shower"?
  51. what is better being an american or not being american?
  52. Is it healthy for me to apply lotion on my hair for more moisture?
  53. What are some online jobs for a 17 year old female, with no experience, and currently attending college to get her GED?
  54. Why can't I upload a photo in my answers?
  55. What do you think about my poem?
  56. Why aren't there any new songs coming out on iTunes?
  57. What is your favorite thing about vacation?
  58. What do you think of my poem?
  59. Would you hire a male babysitter?
  60. Why is it not working? ok this is supposed to be a quiestion how do you put a content in???????
  61. does youtube have a video history, if so where specifically?
  62. How does the system decide how many points someone gives when they "like" a question?
  63. What is an adsense publisher ID and how does that work?
  64. How do I take screen shots from my Computer?
  65. When is Justin Bieber gonna be on CSI?
  66. Is it ok to listen to a band you haven't listened half your life? Cause that's what I'm doing and it feels very odd
  67. How do I get people out of my house????
  68. what does it exactly mean to have a fast metabolism and is it necessarily a bad thing?
  69. Do clubs hire female bouncers?
  70. When I go and get my lip pierced, can I request studs instead of rings?
  71. how many lengths of a 50m pool is the brittish channel? i am going to swim it and just wanted to try in a swimming pool and see what my time is.
  72. Who else thinks the David after dentist video is hilarious?
  73. How do I become a flyer?
  74. How do you get your points up?
  75. Who knows how fatening 2 scrambled eggs are ?
  76. would i be able to watch streetdance 3d 2 at the cinema without seeing the 1st one ??
  77. Why do I sometimes feel like I have a hard time letting go of my past?
  78. Were you disappointed when Obama's latest PR move was to basically say "It could be worse"?
  79. Why do i get light-headed when i stand up ?
  80. Are there any websites whereby I can download all types of maths questions?
  81. When your 16 can you change schools your self and move somewhere else (with your friend) if you cant stand your family anymore?
  82. how do i become a professional basketball player AND study to get a decent job?
  83. What do you usually draw when you paint or sketch?
  84. is it true talking on the phone for hours can damage our brain and make us more stupid?
  85. Why do people settle for less when they know they can probably have the best?
  86. How to get pregnant soon as I really want to have them with healthy?
  87. What is a good, trustworthy literature magazine or journal that I could get my poetry published in and for money?
  88. Vegetables, fruits, herbs, and so on can go bad, but what about seeds?
  89. How old was Ryan Sheckler when he bought his first car?
  90. How old does a person have to be to purchase a house?
  91. Can I post up a picture from my blackberry?
  92. What was your pregnancy experience from the day you found out to childbirth?
  93. Who likes the band Eyes Set to Kill?
  94. How do i deal with this?
  95. What exactly are tax liens?
  96. What's a good way to get rid of a common cold besides over the counter drugs?
  97. What If You Keep Getting Frequent Yeast Infection Are You Think It's An Yeast Infection?
  98. how do i fix my ipod touch to get online?
  99. Who knows if Catelynn & Tyler from Teen Mom / 16 & Pregnant, are brother & sister ?
  100. Where can I watch an episode of Secret Life of An American Teenage that Ive missed?