Questions & Answers

  1. why did this happen to my right side of the hear?
  2. why is it every time i eat and drink i get acid ?
  3. How can I train my cat?
  4. How warm should I run the bath for my puppy?
  5. What do chinchilla's need.. a water BOWL or a hamster water BOTTLE?
  6. Can you and your ex really be just friends after a break up?
  7. How much does a well-skilled photographer make?
  8. Can anyone suggest some 'How to' speech topics that can be made relevant to a college audience?
  9. whats a thing that u can download, where you can make moving pictures or movies, out of cartoons?
  10. How can I convince a 5 year old to go to school in the morning?
  11. Is there a free and/or easy way to stop macbook pro from overheating when a disk is in?
  12. Is it proper englsih to spell co-operational like that, or like this cooperational?
  13. What is wrong with my computer?
  14. What are some good ideas for my "texting while driving" video?
  15. Is it normal to have small little bumps on the inner libia of your vagina it has kinda the texture of a tounge?
  16. is it normail to have small bumps in the inner libia?
  17. How do I get my parents to stop getting involved in my life?
  18. how to change improper fractions to mixed numbers?
  19. How do i connect my phone's bluetooth to my computer?
  20. What's a good choice for my good guitar?
  21. Where can I find a FREE Mac compatible sequence alignment editor?
  22. What would be a good thesis about vampires?
  23. Does Lime Juice help in vaginal odour?
  24. What do I do when my boyfriend has started interfering with my schooling?
  25. How do entry level contracts with the NHL work?
  26. What is your favorite painting or photograph?
  27. is it bad for me to dance while im pregnant?
  28. What are the steps to becoming a registered nurse???
  29. What are some good foods or snacks to cook in a toaster oven?
  30. Can you eat the marinade that you marinaded your chicken in?
  31. how to correct grammar error?
  32. What does it take to be an intellectial?
  33. What girls on here get tested for Hpv or have recieved the Hpv vaccine?
  34. What can I do to keep myself from shaking?
  35. What do i do if i think my dog has parvo?
  36. How many times a month should I use a straightner?
  37. What do you think about the 80 year old Irish woman that was detained by U.S. immigration, because she visited one of her children in Ireland?
  38. Could WW1 still have started if the Duke and dutchess were not murdered?
  39. What is the process of IVF?
  40. what does "aspiana" mean?
  41. Who know if sausage is pork?
  42. Do you think it is healthy to rely on other people every once in a while or should you be aiming to do most things yourself?
  43. Who thinks that like a 18,000 dollar catholic private college prepatory hs is a waste of money?
  44. How do you react when someone insults your religion or beliefs?
  45. How do I make text on Windows Live Movie Maker (I have Windows 7) look like its being typed in?
  46. Is there any kinda medication to prevent mood swings?
  47. How are venus fly traps specific to their environment?
  48. whats the best program to recover deleted files ?
  49. is the windows live mail wave 4 now unlimited email storage?
  50. What's your favorite thing to drink, that's not soda?
  51. Does God care if one temple has had more money spent on it than the one next door?
  52. do video gamers reply back?
  53. What are some ways to help prevent the chances of getting a yeast infection?
  54. Why does my dog keep eating paper?
  55. What is the best video player software in pc ?
  56. how come my smileys/emotions are not working on windows live messenger?
  57. what do u think about area 51?
  58. Can I use Page Plus on a Droid?
  59. Who her Knows of the website stardoll ?
  60. Do you think its wrong to have a baby shower for your second child?
  61. What is a -good- camera for a beginner?
  62. Did the father who threatened kids on a school bus go too far?
  63. Good or bad or okay poem?
  64. do users still use
  65. How come my 3 year old (almost 4) nephew still can't form words or sentences?
  66. is it true if a person can say bad words to you?
  67. whats the best all in one messenger?
  68. how to know if a person has ear wax in his ears?
  69. what should i do for my monologue?
  70. Is there a website that sells only boys baby clothes/toys/play gyms and mats etc?
  71. How can I do a backwalkover if my core and abs aren't strong enough to pull through.. ?
  72. Who can get a pre-paid card?
  73. What should i do, should i get tested?
  74. How can i be more on task with my school work?
  75. What can cause bumps to mysteriously pop up on your upper back/ right shoulder?
  76. why does my dog bite my hands alot?
  77. Do you automatically get a paypal card?
  78. Is there any way that I could like put a DVD movie in my computer and somehow burn it to my iPod touch?
  79. Do you guys think I could start a web show with my iPod nano?
  80. How do I best "characterize" (stereotype/label/define/group) a new acquaintance?
  81. Whats wrong with my car?
  82. Do you prefer Kindle or "real" books?
  83. What is a good age to give kids a cell phone?
  84. What does it mean for a Newspaper to be Partisan?
  85. Is David Dramien of Disturbed evil?
  86. How come Ive only lost like 3 or 4 teeth?
  87. How do you increase your computer batteries life?
  88. What are some good ideas for being a punk rocker on rockstar day for homecoming?
  89. Does anyone watch "The Colony" on the Discovery Channel?
  90. why is the Cabinet (as in the Presidential Cabinet) called the Cabinet?
  91. Why is it that when i was younger i had straight hair, but now its SUPER crazy and frizzy?
  92. where is platos closet and do they have a website that shows the stuff they sell?
  93. Do any of you know some awesomely cheap but stylish and durable clothing stores fo rme?
  94. Can I trust AdSense and PayPal?
  95. How can I get my bangs to not lay flat against my face?
  96. how do i get dryed ink off of hardwood floor?
  97. What should we name our town?
  98. What has your experience been with Dr.Scholl's massaging gel shoe insoles?
  99. can a person apply for a green card if he has a Domestic Violence Order of Protection?
  100. do you have to take photos or do they take pics over at the immigration office?