How come my 3 year old (almost 4) nephew still can't form words or sentences?

I mean he can say some things like “what are you doing”, “hey”, and “ice cream” and small things but he still can’t form words yet and still talks like a baby. And it has really nothing to do with his hearing, we checked already. Any advice?

Answer #1

maybe be he is a slow learner or yall don’t try to make him speak enough

Answer #2

Alot of a childs development falls on the parents. If his parents are family are talking to him like a baby, he thinks thats how your supposed to talk. When you talk to a toddler you should talk saying words properly and practice with them saying them properly. My son is 2, we never spoke to him in baby talk, and he can form full scentences and say things how your supposed to. If the childs doctor isnt concerned about other speech problems then he may just be a slow learner.

Answer #3

I’m trying to teach him words but it doesn’t seem to be getting through to him. He keeps saying what he wants in his own language really.

Answer #4

he will get it soon

Answer #5

My mom talks to him like a baby, but could it also be because we also speak to him spanish as well as english?

Answer #6

No baby talk and read to them each night. Or like lilfreddy commented that maybe he is a little slower on wanting to talk.

Answer #7

Sometimes, delayed speech can be due to a speech disorder (I see you’ve already had him checked for a hearing problem) . It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have him tested, and if you can at least rule medical problems out, you can chalk it up to the fact that he’s just a quiet kid - some children are like that. However, remember that if you’re teaching him 2 languages at once, it may delay his ability to speak…give him time to put it all together…he’ll be just fine :)

Answer #8

my nephew is three and has just started to put a few words together not alot at all and my whole family were worried because my daughter and son were early walkers and spoke early… but each child is different, if you nephew shows signs of being slow make sure you put the work in and interact with him as much as possibl, doctor sent my nephew to speech theropy that was a waste of time!

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