What can I do to keep myself from shaking?

Today, I had to present a speech in my English class and I can’t believe how horrible it went. I could not stop shaking, my arms and my legs! Is there anything I can do like idk, tapping or something to calm my shaking? I really need help since I have to talk in my school assembly to NINE HUNDRED people D: twice.

Answer #1

Okay, that’s MY problem as well. It’s Anxiety, it also happens when i’m crying and it runs bad thoughts into my mind sometimes like i should die right now, and then i stop having the attack and i can breathe again and the thoughts go away and whatnot…I don’t really know what to do about it, but maybe you can see if there are some pills or something to control it if it’s terrible, idk…Sorry.

Answer #2

I shake infront of crowds as well. Like, really visibly shaking. Whenever I have to sing infront of a crowd it’s so awful because my voice shakes >.< What I do is (and this’ll sound stupid because I think it’s from a Friends episode), I say tsunami before I start talking (it actually calms me down lol) and then I just look at the wall above everyone or at the ceiling and I pretend I’m in my room just saying or singing it for myself. After like 30 seconds I actually start calming down and the shaking stop, or at least gets a little less noticeable. Other than trying what I do, you really have to just get over your stage fright. Once you do youll be perfectly fine. Hope I helped!

Answer #3

Thank you so much ! This actually seems helpful x) I’ll literally try anything. I was really embarrassed today shaking so much and there was a pretty blue eyed boy there too ! x(

Answer #4

Awh. Everyone in my classes thinks it’s cute haha, I bet he thought you were cute too ^.^

Answer #5

I know oh too well that feels like I had that in drama class in the beginning & couldnt get up in front of the class for my life…then it happened once again when I had to perform on stage while dancing…then it happened again before having to sing even with friends on ventrilo…:)

I found that doing a few breathing techniques actually helped me..just close your eyes, inhale & exhale til you count both as 1- 10 x! (meaning inhale, exhale 1inhale exhale 2…til 10) Now open your eyes. hope that helps for you as it did for me. good luck!♥

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