Questions & Answers

  1. What would happen if I just ate meat and vegetables?
  2. Is it possible to convert a .exe file to a .iso file?
  3. Is college monday-friday like high school?
  4. Why do my points go down whenever i update my profile?
  5. what color is kim kardashians hair?
  6. How do I break my habit of being anti-social round people?
  7. does anyone know a good article based on europe?
  8. Where can i watch Paranormal Activity 2 online?
  9. Whats the best way to ripen an avocado?
  10. can anyone simplify the meaning of potential difference?
  11. can you have children in the sims 3 for the wii?
  12. Does bleeding and soreness around a cavitiy a sign of infection?
  13. does anyone know any symbols that keep away bad spirits or demons, and can keep me safe?
  14. What if you are 13 on this site, how do they pay you for your points?
  15. how do i whiten my teeth in a healthy way with braces on?
  16. How do you find the argument of an article when there seemingly is no argument?
  17. is the associate degree similar to high school studies or higher?
  18. Why does one of my Ubuntu server will hang during FTP, SSH, and UDP transfers?
  19. do you have to get the copyrights to a song if you want to make a parody of it?
  20. What is you fantasy football top picks of 2010 ?
  21. Why do all the guys at my school always have greasy hair?
  22. What would happen if voting was mandatory in the US?
  23. What would be better to invest in, Gold or Sliver?
  24. What is better , catholic or public school in your opinion and why?
  25. Is Turkish Delight real?
  26. What is a word twin?
  27. Do instances or situations only impact us emotionally or intellectually when they are relevant to us?
  28. Does anyone know of a good website where I can find a key-pal quickly and easily?
  29. what are the 8 most important events in fever 1739?
  30. how can i get rid of shortness of breath?
  31. What do you think is better, sending your child to school or home schooling?
  32. Why is it not socially acceptable for me to wear a kilt in America?
  33. What is a good name for a middle age newspaper?
  34. What is the difference between hi-lights and low-lights?
  35. What dose published and searchable mean?
  36. Are there such things as emancipation papers for teens who are about to turn 18?
  37. Where is the best place to get a dean razorback?
  38. Why do married couples have alternative type relationship, like open marriage, swinging, etc?
  39. What sort of cheap gifts can I take to the office?
  40. What do you think if an older person returns to a community collage to better there education?
  41. Which do you prefer, Dollar Tree or General Dollar, and why?
  42. What does everyone think about the bystander effects?
  43. What causes a man, or women to cheat, and how do mens reasons differ from the reasons women do?
  44. What is the best way to get rid of fleas off a puppy that is not a yr old yet?
  45. What would make a car miss alot when going up hills?
  46. What are the technologies out there that may overtake the current battery technology.
  47. What are Smores?
  48. Is the new google setup slow for anyone else?
  49. Why do people say money is not everything?
  50. how do i get more privacy from my mom?
  51. When funadvice users refer to themselves as "we", what does that mean exactly?
  52. What can I use for the sole of shoes that I am making?
  53. Which is better a Maltese, Yorkie Terrier, or a Pekingese puppy, and why?
  54. how big will my 1 pound maltese puppy get?
  55. What are some good Narrative Poem Topics?
  56. Would they send me to rehab?
  57. What is the most popular musical instrument in the world?
  58. which is better in your opinion waxing or threading your eyebrows?
  59. what is a good name for a demon butterfly?
  60. does anyone else break out like on their chest?
  61. What could be a good chinese symbol tattoo?
  62. What causes someone to be a glutton for punishment?
  63. How difficult is it for you to keep someone interested in what you have to say?
  64. What is a good time span in between haveing children?
  65. When is gran turismo 5 due out for uk realease?
  66. Why when working out do they say breath in through your nose and out through your mouth?
  67. Who hear thinks the electric car will ever take off in the US?
  68. What should I include in my research paper about Sylvia Plath?
  69. What is the first word that comes to your mind when someone says Mall?
  70. what are some other Great songs by the band Avenged Sevenfold?
  71. When was your moment when you realized that you weren't invincible and that bad things can happen to you?
  72. how can i make my perfume last longer?
  73. what is the best type of deoderant to use that will last long?
  74. What are some of the nicest places for a American "US" to retire outside of North America?
  75. What are the opening and closing times of Costa Coffee in Kenilworth?
  76. How do i get mp3 rocket songs to go to my regular music file on itunes?
  77. Who thinks Jesse Ventura is right for what he does?
  78. What are the best neonish contact lences?
  79. why did Matthew Bourne make the 'Nutcracker!'?
  80. What do you think of the military for kids out of school, if not going to college?
  81. Does a Blackberry come with windows live messenger or will I have to download it?
  82. Do autistic adults have ADHD?
  83. why when are we doing a research paper essay paper we need a lot of sources?
  84. Where was god when katrina happened?
  85. where can i find a cheep Samsung Alias 2 SCH-U750 on the internet that i can order?
  86. What is a good diet for the winter?
  87. What do you do if you have bad neighbors?
  88. Why cant i see the picture i uploaded and placed on Google Earth?
  89. Can you buy a pregnancy test if you're under the age of 18?
  90. Where can i find some good fake piercings for a good price?
  91. Would i be able to check myself into rehab while I'm in school?
  92. What do you think would benefit a homeless person during winter?
  93. what is the thing called when babies have green things on there eyes and can hardly open them?
  94. What should I do with the dead plants in my garden?
  95. how do you make curly hair straighter with out a straightner?
  96. how long does it take a toenail to grow back?
  97. how can i put my baby back on a feeding schedule?
  98. Why do people have the cross with jesus all bloody?
  99. How many minutes or hours does someone have to exercise if they have a 2000 calorie intake?
  100. what is the point of buying college books if the classes are lectures?