When was your moment when you realized that you weren't invincible and that bad things can happen to you?

I don’t think it’s just me, I know a lot of people as teens, and maybe even later think that nothing really bad could ever happen to them. I know I was like that. I never seriously thought about death as being something that could happen to me. And I’m sure a lot of people were like that with pregnancies, etc… It ended for me after I rolled my vehicle three or four times. It was the most terrifying experience of my life. I had never considered it happening, and suddenly it was. After I came out of that my whole attitude about life changed, I think it was a good thing. Any other experiences?

Answer #1

What made me change my ways of thinking and proved i wasnt invinciable was a few nights in ja.il. I was quite rebellious and did every type of dr.ug you can imagine, drank from the time i woke up until i passed out, drove my car intoxicated or high daily, stole from places and people, etc. The night that i got pulled over for my second dwi and they made me go to ja.il and i couldnt find anyone to bail me out was what changed my ways of thinking and made me realize how stupid i was acting.

Answer #2

Well I was 16 almost 17 going to the road in a souped up car, and I had a head on wreak with a 4 door pickup. I ended up in the hospital for 2 and half weeks in a coma. I knew than I was not superman.

Answer #3

still hasn’t happend for me personally.

Answer #4

When I was in Germany in the military one of my friends died when he fell from a 3rd floor window. I believe he was trying to impress some girls when this happen. This stunt was the end of his life, and I did not think he thought about this when he was doing this, and then it was to late.

Answer #5

I thought I could never get addicted to dr*gs, I genuinely thought i’d be the one person who could just use periodically and never actually need it. Ha I sure was wrong.

Answer #6

I think It started off me being very little and my mom and dad not being the best ever, they are good perents but you know like humans they have made mistakes.What I went trough tought me how to smile at bad momments, either you take it or you don’t and it just made me the pearson that I am today. And still I know even more things have happened and yes they have made me realize what reality is like.

Answer #7

Hasnt happened yet. Even though I was in a really bad car crash and thought I was going to die before I passed out. Walked out without a scratch. Actually made me think the opposite. But I am strange that way.

Answer #8

Like the person before me I was 17 and pregnant with my first super excited because my parents were suportive I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and I was in the car with my bestfriend with the music blaring and I had a bad ass car that I bought brand new from my grandmothers inheritance and I was driving really fast around curves and my cars rear end came off the road and flipped the car i dont know how many times I dont remember the whole accident I remember opening my eyes and I was in a hospital bed with a nurse in my room I had been in a coma for 5 mo and I had a miscariage and broke my back n my themer banged myself up I was almost healed at this time and I had no idea what happend the nurse gave me a newspaper then exsplained it to my I killed my best friend lost my child cause of my driving and now have a fe.lony of Vehiclar Homicide on my record, and horrible debt, all because I was the one driving and I was not being careful really made me relize that it could happen to anyone

Answer #9

That’s a horrible thing to go through. Really :( wow

Answer #10

yes it is It help having a great family like I do to support me when im down but that still doesnt help with records I went through this huge depression stage because I wanted someone to tell my emotions to and to cry on and the one person I loved so much the one person that was always there for me I ended her life because of my stupidity and I will never be able to forget it or live it down specially not when that person was my everything and was like my sister when i never had any other siblings but over time things heal it still hurts but not even remotly close to when it happend

Answer #11

I guess I was so lucky, there were two other people in the car with me and I was the only one hurt, so there where no charges brought against me. You are right it could happen to anyone, and as a teen I do not think you are fully aware of the consequences of your actions, and that we can effect others so greatly. Thank you for sharing this and I am sorry for your loss.

Answer #12

I think alot of people should know that there not invinsible because I thought it and I live in a little town that doesnt even have a stop sign just gas station fire station and church also my school was in the middle of a corn field I had welth I had a awesome new reliable car and great family so WHY ME HOW COULD THAT EVER HAPPEN TO ME NO WAY!!! But I was wrong and the unbelievable happend and thats something ill have to live with the rest of my life so doesnt matter who u are rich or poor where u live city or small town or if u drive a new reliable car or a old crudy one they dont drive themselves so only u are incontrol of what happens and only u are responsible for what happens

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