Questions & Answers

  1. how can you see that questions that you posted earlier?
  2. how come my right eye always waters when i put on eyeliner on my waterline?
  3. how can i make my parents understand that i am not an A grade student as my sister?
  4. Why is it that your eyes water when you are fighting a cold?
  5. Who played major roles in the French Revolution?
  6. is it true you can't sneeze with your eyes open?
  7. What is a good brand of fake tan that you spray on?
  8. Does anyone have that new gophone the lg prime?
  9. Can i go to university in Alberta for free since i was born in Calgary?
  10. Do you think that animal crackers influence is to eathing real animals?
  11. What do you recommend learning first:piano or guitar?
  12. How many movies has Disney created?
  13. How to get ready for the school dance team mext year??
  14. can someone help me analyse this poem or a part of this poem?
  15. Is German a hard language to learn?
  16. Whats a good example of juxtaposition in poetry?
  17. which portable game unit would you choose best for role playing?
  18. why does my right hand freeze all of the sudden?
  19. Who's got some skills in comparing and contrasting poetry?
  20. Does having a lot of followers have any relevance?
  21. when you are tested for a urinary tract infection can a doctor find out if you are pregnant?
  22. Where can i find the movie "the secret"?
  23. What are conditions for a foreignerto study medicine in USA or Canada?
  24. Why wont my music play past the first slide in powerpoint 2003?
  25. What are some reasons that I could be slowly turning into an insomniac?
  26. Does anyone know any really good melancholy songs?
  27. Is the Neanderthal man the same as cavemen?
  28. What is a 'wings' ring from the Marines?
  29. Can war ever be prevented?
  30. what is it when you randomly taste salt in your mouth?
  31. does any1 have any updates abt bermuda triangle?
  32. What do you think....I was embarrassed in front of boys and they still wan't me to apologize!?
  33. are "fat cakes" from ICarly real?
  34. how many minutes do you put waffles in the microwave?
  35. how do i tell my parents that i want to become a child actress?
  36. Who wears a sportsbra with a normal bra, or just a sportsbra?
  37. what would be an attention getter for teen parents when writing a research paper?
  38. what is the point of the video of rock ur body by the black eyed pea's?
  39. How does Paid Surveys work?
  40. what is the word for people who are like, happy one minute, then mad, then sad?
  41. what is a good bluetooth to get?
  42. how many ppl here have their g.e.d and can you tell me you opinion?
  43. is the u.s getting involved in the war between south and north korea?
  44. What are the pros and cons of a non traditional household?
  45. is it bad for my dog to mate with his own mother?
  46. How to accept the fact that I lost a customer in my workplace?
  47. Where I can find a tecumseh hsk600 carburetor choke lever?
  48. How to write a summary from a movie in chronological order?
  49. What Is The Average Weight For A 5'2 Cheerleader?
  50. What does it mean when a guy says "she's old in the pants"?
  51. What does it mean when a guy ask you if you could rub your elbows together?
  52. How weird is it that I don't like most guy things yet I am straight and I also have not much interest in having sex?
  53. Who knows what the name of this game is called where you link hands in a circle?
  54. What causes what you're allergic to?
  55. Who knows anything about voodoo?
  56. How much does it annoy you when people use a condescending tone to their advice?
  57. Is it true that you can't eat heated mayonnaise, because once it's heated it becomes poisonous?
  58. Is it dangerous to not eat carbohydrates at all in a day instead of having vitamins,proteins,etc?
  59. How to start off my fanfic?
  60. Who has some pictures showing "You think you have it bad" scenes?
  61. What type of things CANT you put in a microwave?
  62. Are silver nickels worth anything?
  63. does inhaling perfume such as impulse , lynx , cool charm kill you ?
  64. How do I get my mother to let me go out without strings attached?
  65. Is there any other anime site like iPhone that lets you download anime on your iPod touch?
  66. Is China bigger than the United States?
  67. How do you view your ip address on a laptop?
  68. What could cause a laptop to not aquire the network address when using a wireless router or when directly connected?
  69. which school does the book take place in doppelganger by david stahler jr?
  70. How can you make unhealthy foods become healthy?
  71. Why is joking about rape so funny to certain people?!!?
  72. Is '' a trustworthy website to buy concert tickets on?
  73. Is it odd these days to see black guys dating white girls?
  74. What does black Friday mean to you?
  75. How do you edit a question on this website after you've written it?
  76. Does it cost to have a paypal account?
  77. What is the difference between Greek Yogurt and regular Yogurt?
  78. What's something I could by off the internet for $10.00?
  79. Who thinks that Adam and Eve ate an apple?
  80. Does dimming,or turning down the light on your computer screen save your battery?
  81. What really happened to Princess Diana?
  82. why my turtle is not eating any thing from last 10 days ?
  83. What would you say is a easy way to make a handmade frame?
  84. what does reminicing mean?
  85. How unhealthy is it to feed a small dog human food/table scraps?
  86. how do I get people to stop making fun of me because I'm 'emo/scene'?
  87. How can i stop my dog from snoringing?
  88. what will happen if i have sex with condom, but im allergic to latex, just wondering?
  89. would you recomend for a new time driver to get a stickshift or normal?
  90. What is something you think about all day, or a lot of times a day?
  91. do you think george bush and his administration should be jailed for war crimes?
  92. Is there anything good to watch online, thats not piratecopy?
  93. what does it mean in the selena video when they throw the rose at her her feet when she is singing dreaming of you?
  94. What causes the lint on clothing?
  95. what is the easiest dance style one can learn?
  96. Which Paramore Album is your favourite?
  97. Who has read the book 'Stone cold' ?
  98. Whats wrong with the wireless internet, can someone assist me?
  99. What's your "perfect" iPod set of songs?
  100. Why are no good stores in Lincoln, Nebraska?