Questions & Answers

  1. What are your routine dinners in your household that are cheap on a budget?
  2. How many adult on FunAdvice feel the computer has destroyed a few relationships since it became affordable in the 90's?
  3. Whats a Unitary Parliamentary Democracy ?
  4. What are somethings to consider when getting a larger bird?
  5. What would you be doing with your free time if there was no FunAdvice?
  6. How do you stop the date and time from showing on your pictures when using a digital camera?
  7. What is the new trend for music?
  8. Do you have to get mostly straight A's to get into a good private highschool with a scollership ?
  9. How is it possible that there is life on Mars?
  10. Should Michael Vick be aloud to own a dog again?
  11. Is this a mullet?
  12. How do you get rid of scratches on ipods using household things?
  13. What is a good age to introduce a child to musical instruments?
  14. Are urologists allowed to be gay?
  15. How painful is a tattoo making process?
  16. Do you know any footballer thats gay,I just wanted to know if they are allowed to play?
  17. when a person buys a home. is there other stuff to pay?
  18. How do I know when my rabbit died?
  19. What is your favorite Middle Eastern food/dessert?
  20. How can I help my son with reading when he suffers for dyslexia?
  21. Which AIM version is the best?
  22. Why did my period disappear?
  23. Who know how to fix this error on battle net?
  24. What exactly is CUNY?
  25. What would be a great caption to add to a photo of a 4yr old boy holding a chicago bears football while sleeping?
  26. How can i dowload Hp solution center onto my computer?
  27. Do you think it's a good idea to give him my email?
  28. how do you get the taste of cum out of your mouth?
  29. how are clams born?
  30. what kind of dress would be good for military ball?
  31. Are Internet technicians able to install Internet in the older houses with the brown walls with the black lines?
  32. How do you dislike something on Funadvice?
  33. What are some antonyms for husbandry and supplant?
  34. What essay topics could i have for an essay that compares the two books: "Beloved" by Toni Morisson and "The Colour Purple" by Alice Walker?
  35. Why am i always tired during school?
  36. Can anyone view the mature questions section?
  37. What would your focus be if you were going to lead a prayer meeting?
  38. Is grey goose vodka a good choice or is their a better one?
  39. What is a good quote that I could put on my teacher's Christmas gift that I am making her?
  40. How many years of college do you have to do in order to be a Forensic Psychologist ?
  41. What are some really good, dirty rap songs?
  42. How do I make my pc run off of wi fi?
  43. What is a good program or something on the computer where I can write sheet music for multiple instruments?
  44. How can i learn to speak english fast?
  45. who thinks that a 2010 ford mustang has huge amounts of horse power and are a great looking car?
  46. What exactly is the song "Greensleves" about?
  47. What are the differences in excersizes for trying to bulk up and lose weight?
  48. Who do you dislike more, Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler?
  49. How much is Harvard college?
  50. what could i do to make a presentation on nursing home residents rights fun?
  51. whats the worst pain you ever felt?
  52. Is it stupid that i want to be a singer when i grow up??
  53. What kind of hairstyle is this?
  54. What is a simple dessert i can make without too many ingredients?
  55. Why have I been getting random headaches lately?
  56. What kind of glasses are these?
  57. Which Internet browser has the best virus protection?
  58. What are some characteristic of Hester Prynne from the Scarlet Letter?
  59. how can i learn maths quickly?
  60. how will i know when my pit bull is having her puppies?
  61. How do you make Mexican, or Spanish Coffee?
  62. What do you think about parents who let their kids get taught the facts of life by the school system instead of the parents talking with them?
  63. what are some money cheats for the sims 3 on the wii?
  64. What does it mean when people tie a bandana around there right arm?
  65. What's your opinion on Call of Duty: Black Ops?
  66. Is Eritrea A Country?
  67. What's the cost of an iphone 3gs?
  68. who sings the song that has "fly like a g6" in it ?
  69. Can you have "Friends" on FA?
  70. Who do you think was more skilled: Leonardo da Vinci or Michelangelo?
  71. who knows if you need ur gen eds for a certificate n college?
  72. What is your opinion on the guy who shot those people on the school board, then took his own life?
  73. What do you do in FA other than giving advices, asking questions, sharing updates?
  74. How long does it take to get a payment?
  75. Does anyone else have the problem with black ops, where they pass rebirth on veteran then the game disk freezes?
  76. what did the question mark say to the period?
  77. Why did Vincent van Gogh cut his ear off and how did he die?
  78. How is this possible to be born with lavender eyes?
  79. how to open the back cover of iphone 16gb?
  80. Is my upper arm muscle pulled?
  81. When something is sugar free does that make it good for you?
  82. when will the cold winter end?
  83. When you get an agent, do they choose your publicist, stylist, bodyguard, etc or do you have to do it personall?
  84. When you request funds from here & it says " payment is currently pending" does that mean they havent even sent it yet?
  85. How do you post a vidoe a a status update?
  86. Where can I buy aluminum colored tumblers for cheap?
  87. What is one way you relieve stress daily in your life?
  88. do you have to get a Bachelors degree in architecture before you can get a Masters?
  89. What are some good websites or jokes to help cheer someone up?
  90. how do i get all my info, contacts, pictures, music from my iphone 3g onto my new iphone 4?
  91. how do i transfer all my info from my iphone 3g onto my new iphone 4?
  92. How do astronomers use geometry?
  93. How much is 10 Hong Kong dollars in U.S money?
  94. Who started the whole skateboarding style?
  95. Does anyone else ask their questions on here before they check online?
  96. who do you contact to report a racist teacher?
  97. What are some adjectives for all the letters of the alphabet?
  98. How dangerous is huffing helium, and have you ever done it?
  99. who knows if the french won ww1 against british?
  100. Is metaprogramming real, or does it just seem real due to power of suggestion?