What are some adjectives for all the letters of the alphabet?

I have a project called “ABC about me” And we have to get the adectives we pick and put it into a book then draw a picture for it. So I would prefer one that I could draw. And I don’t really care if it actually describes me as loing as it is not negitive my teacher says its fine but she also said that we can not use words like “best” “gangster” etc.

Answer #1

I ment Beast not best sorry.

Answer #2

k would reliable be a good word? of that works ill funmaill a lot more:)

Answer #3

i have an entire page of adjectivesss soo yea!

Answer #4

[link removed] [link removed]

I used thes two sites for a similar project more of the second than the first. I hope i helped you.

Answer #5

aback abaft abandoned abashed aberrant abhorrent abiding abject ablaze abnormal aboard aboriginal abortive abounding abrasive abrupt absent absorbed absorbing abstracted absurd abusive acceptable accessible accidental accurate acoustic acrid actually ad hoc adamant adaptable addicted adhesive adjoining adorable afraid agonizing ahead alcoholic alert alike alive alleged alluring aloof ambiguous ambitious amuck ancient animated apathetic aquatic aromatic aspiring assorted astonishing auspicious available average aware axiomatic

Answer #6

A- Adorable, Abstract, Awesome B- Beautifully, Bored, Bashful C-Calm, Cautious, Courteous, Charming D-Dashing, Dear, Diligent E-Energetic, Elegant, Emotional F-Flamboyant, Fun, Fearful G-Great, Graceful, Gentle H-Happy, Helpful, Handy, Hopeful I-Interesting, Impatient J-Joyful K-Kool… [I have no clue with this one] L-Loving, Ludicrous M-Miraculousness, Marvelous N-Nice, Neat, Noble O-Obnoxious, Open, Oblivious P-Precise, Pretty, Peachy, Provident Q-Queer [synonym for odd.] Quick R-Revengeful, Rough, Redundant, Rational S-Savage, Saintly, Soft [emotionally], Sincere T-Tedious, Tough, Tactful, Tricky U-Unappreciated, Underestimated, Un[adjective you are not] V-Vengeful, Vague W-Wonderful, Wild X-I have no clue with this one. Y-Young, Youthful Z-Zealous

Sorry that I cant come up with much. Ill be happy to define any of these if you need me too.

Answer #7

Thank you that helped me a lot

Answer #8

Yeah it could work

Answer #9

Yeah it could work

Answer #10

To complete your excellent list:

K - kind X - xenophobic

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