Questions & Answers

  1. Do babies see things paranormal?
  2. how can i tell my mom to stop planning my future?
  3. What could this fluid filled bump on the inside of my lip be?
  4. Which type of guitar amp should I buy next?
  5. Are angels real?
  6. Should i get this lump checked out?
  7. What is the worst policy President Barack Obama has ever made?
  8. Can I feed my roborovski dwarf hamster cooked white rice?
  9. What are some things you can do to prevent inflamtion of dermitis?
  10. Whats the craziest thing you did for this year?
  11. Do american ladies like irish guys?
  12. Why does cold weather make a broken bone hurt?
  13. What i have to do to get more points now?
  14. whats the best hair extensions for african american hair?
  15. When i want to download a free game from my ipod it askme to put my id and my password but i dont have idea what is talking about?
  16. how do I keep my glued on nails longer?
  17. Why do headphones lose sound in one channel after a while?
  18. How would you feel if you ended a legends sports career?
  19. What is your favorite song from The Black Dahlia Murder?
  20. Does anyone know if employers actually look at applications turned in over the internet?
  21. What is a skin condition that has these symptoms: severe dry skin, exzema, and rips in the winter?
  22. What is a "muggle"?
  23. What is epidermis?
  24. What is the percent of teens and adults who cut or self injure?
  25. What type of braids are these?
  26. where can i read Vampire Academy series online for free no download?
  27. Why would someone cut the name of a someone into their flesh?
  28. How old were you when you found out Santa isn't real?
  29. How can I get better for christmas?
  30. Why won't my pictures show up on my Droid Incredible?
  31. How long did Jeremy say it would be before checks start getting mailed again?
  32. How can you take points from someone?
  33. What would you do if you find your boyfriend/girlfriend sleeping next to you?
  34. where do u get ur hair extensions?
  35. What do you think of Free Speach and would you fight for it???
  36. What is a good site to apply for credit cards?
  37. What do you think about the catharos?
  38. Can you UN-like people's comments on here?
  39. does any1 know when kendra comes on E! ?
  40. Can a legal guardian sign forms for a name change even if the parents are still living?
  41. What Do You Think Of Tatoos??
  42. What is Neoliberalism and what do you think of it?
  43. does it make you fake if you have extensions,fake nails,fake eyelashes,and colored contacts?
  44. What would you do if you opened your front door, and there was an infant laying on your steps?
  45. Is there a way to tighten your skin naturally without laser surgeries or having to spend multiple years doing lotions and treatments?
  46. How would you go about getting your tubes UNtied and about how much would it be?
  47. Do famous people starve themselves?
  48. how do i stop being a adrinaline junkie?
  49. how high is the sky from the ground we walk on to the outside outer layer of the earth?
  50. How do you get to sleep on Christmas Eve?
  51. Can anybody tell me or make up a teleporting chant for me?
  52. Is there a goddess of safety or teleporting?
  53. who is zev alkobi?
  54. Is low concentrated salt water bad for your skin?
  55. How do you put pics from your cell on here?
  56. How can I stop my dog from chewing up our blankets?
  57. What do you think of the Government raise the retirement age, if the average world life span is 67?
  58. Are there more chairs in the world, or people?
  59. What should I do to prepare myself for enlisting into the Navy?
  60. Do I have to give my mother guardianship of my baby?
  61. Is it possible to be allergic to cold weather?
  62. why is it that in hollywood most of the movies are remakes from an old one but not a new story ?
  63. What is the likelihood of someone continuing the pattern of abuse, if they were abused themselves?
  64. Does anyone know the date for the new Blink 182 album?
  65. Is this a jumper or a apron of some kind?
  66. Is It Safe To Go Out If You Have Bruised/Fractured Ribs?
  67. is it safe to delete the screen savers that came with windows vista basic?
  68. Why has their been just a hike in gas prices?
  69. what is 5 Tips for Playing Poker Like a Pro?
  70. How do I end it with my boyfriend?
  71. What's a solstice?
  72. Does chocolate really give you acne?
  73. How can I make tidying my room more fun?
  74. Why do you get a buzz cut when you join the military?
  75. What is the name of the song that is playing when bella tries to persuede edward to have sex with her in eclipse?
  76. Where i can Download Download 14 Blades Movie Easily?
  77. How can you hide having sex from your parents?
  78. Is the snow in the UK really that bad as everyone makes it out to be??
  79. What does the "Renew Lease" mean and do, on an iPhone's wifi settings?
  80. Can I have a doctor put contacts in my eyes?
  81. What should I do now that, my wife is moving out of our home?
  82. where is a good place to buy prom dresses in michigan?
  83. Would you feel a heaviness or fullness in your lower abdomen right away after conception?
  84. how can i make my iPod nano sync to my computer?
  85. Is there a book that has a Mother die while giving birth or at least during the child's early life?
  86. How many grams is an 8th of pot?
  87. what are some good vegetarian christmas meal ideas?
  88. How would you repay someone who saved your life?
  89. Why do you think I am scared to have a orgasm?
  90. What can I give my dog for nausea and vomiting?
  91. What Can Increase Your Chances Of Having Twins?
  92. what is that protruding from my vagina?
  93. whats that protruding from my vagina after masturbation?
  94. Why isn't the moon out right now when it's dark?
  95. What do people in USA and Europe do with the inner organs of a slaughtered cow?
  96. what are some useful tips for photography/ editing?
  97. is it possible to get my funmails and replies sent to my phone as either a text or email that i can reply to?
  98. What does it mean to "contact your system administrator"?
  99. Where can I find 3/8"nylon webbing in different colors for my dog collar in USA?
  100. What is a good intense sounding opera piece that would sound good in the background of a modern day radio song?