Questions & Answers

  1. What truck driving school can an ex-felon work at?
  2. Should I ask her out?
  3. Where can I find the game Babyz for Windows XP?
  4. How do you get a band profile on Myspace?
  5. How do children get cigarettes?
  6. How can I tell my Mom I'm anorexic if it's due to her?
  7. How to let her know I sincerely like her?
  8. help meee! mental breakdown
  9. How long do iPod batteries last?
  10. Should I start to talk to this hot new guy?
  11. Should my sister get married at a mansion or a golf course?
  12. Who do you like better: Pete Wentz or Brendan Urie?
  13. How can I stop my Dad from drinking?
  14. What if people have found out about me and my cousin?
  15. What should I do about my bad hair dye incident?
  16. How to stop wanting to eat?
  17. Could I be anorexic?
  18. How to be together if her Mom disapproves?
  19. Does it hurt to get cavities filled?
  20. How to play softball?
  21. When does Panic! at the Disco's new CD come out?
  22. Is Billie Joe fitter than Gerard Way?
  23. Will my hair turn orange blonde?
  24. Who are your Top 5 fittest lads?
  25. Can you get allergies from your sperm ?
  26. Can you help me with my wireless connection setup?
  27. What if I still think I'm fat after counseling?
  28. What happens next?
  29. Will water remove pot from your system?
  30. How to get movies on an iPod?
  31. How to become anorexic?
  32. What is with exes?
  33. Why is all television rubbish?
  34. Why do my hairs fall out so much?
  35. How to do a goth hairstyle?
  36. How to find out if my boyfriend is having an affair with my Dad?
  37. How do I use a computer?
  38. Is someone else using my computer?
  39. Does anyone know Martin Johnson's middle name?
  40. Am I a geek?
  41. Is the media helping or hurting Britney Spears?
  42. Are popups scams?
  43. What types of business degrees are there?
  44. Is the world controlled by religion?
  45. Which is worse: A life of fried food or a life of no food?
  46. Boys Like Girls: Up Against the Wall
  47. how much would I loose?
  48. How are perfumes made?
  49. Do you think "religion" inhibits us?
  50. How to help my daughter who's in a controlling relationship?
  51. How to tone up your thighs and butt and lose the love handles?
  52. What low impact exercises can I do for Flat Abs & Hips?
  53. Why is my Xbox 360 MTU failing?!
  54. Why doesn't some music on my iPod work?
  55. Can you go on MSN Messenger on Playstation 3?
  56. Why won't Limewire let me download anymore music?
  57. Anyone want to do an easy 20 miles with me?
  58. Does anyone know when Final Fantasy 13 will be out for the ps3?
  59. Is it legal to move out at 17?
  60. Can you sweat and burn calories from eating spicy stuff?
  61. Why would a St. Bernard have only one puppy?
  62. How do you know when someone has commented on your picture?
  63. Why don't I see people on my friends list?
  64. Wouldn't it be cool to have a FunAdvice hotline?
  65. Does anyone know the biscuit ice cream recipe from Nigella?
  66. What do you think of my pics?
  67. Guys: Do you like big or small breasts?
  68. Is Britney Spears becoming another Anna Nicole Smith?
  69. Is anyone Hiring in St Augustine,Florida?
  70. Are you a fan of the band Avenged Sevenfold?
  71. How to see who rated your pictures?
  72. How can I color black hair back to my natural color?
  73. Why do our bums have a crack?
  74. What is the wildest or craziest thing you have ever done?
  75. Is there anyway to cure my cancerous mother?
  76. How do you know that trees don't have souls?
  77. What's the least you can be expelled for?
  78. What is affiliate marketing?
  79. When is Home and Away coming back on?
  80. What's a good hobby for me?
  81. How to be anorexic?
  82. Why so many poor in a world of riches?
  83. What are sweet texts to send to my girlfriend?
  84. Do you think we'll go out again?
  85. How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges in it?
  86. How to tell when you've run out of invisible ink?
  87. Who was the first person to milk a cow?
  88. Where are Preparations A through G?
  89. A near miss?
  90. If your knees bent the other way?
  91. What does this weight loss pill label mean?
  92. Different weed high?
  93. Does Christopher McCuin hear God?
  94. How do I keep myself awake?
  95. How can I just gain weight?
  96. Does drinking a lot of soy milk really make your boobs grow?
  97. Why can't you see my pictures?
  98. Who sings the Peanut Butter Jelly song?
  99. Is this dandruff?
  100. How Do I Give My BoyFriend A Blowjob?