What is with exes?

I have this ex-boyfriend, and everytime we end up having a fight, he tells me how worthless I am, and how ugly I am, and how he wished we never met.. He also says how he wants me out of his life for good…after about two weeks he comes back and says how sorry he is and everything and how he wants to be friends again. I dont know what to do.. I dated this guy for 4 months, until things started changing, he started getting controlling, and then broke it off.. so I dont know what to do.. help

Answer #1

No girl deserves to be treated like that. id say next time he comes around kissing your a*s, ignore him or something & see what his reaction is..

Answer #2

Wow, same situation. It’s like they’re bipolar. One day, they may want to be your friend but the other, they just totally go off on you. He DATED you so he has no reason to be saying anything about or to you like that. Next time, just tell him to shove off and get a Life. Let bygones be bygones and move on. He isn’t worth even talking to.

Answer #3

You dont need to keep an ex in your life, expecially when you cant even get along! My ex is a horrible ex. He would hate me one day, be nice the next. I stay as far away from him as possible. I dont need people who cause so much drama in my life. Life is too short. FInd people who make you happy, and leave the bad ones behind!

Answer #4

tell him watevah he just like a butterfly if u chase em hell run but if u worry bout other this it”ll land right on your shoulder

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