Should I ask her out?

Ok heres the 13 and theres this girl same grade.(7th)we are both in english and science together.she is pretty popular.she is single me too.about 4 or 5 weeks ago she started saying hey to me and talknig to me a lot in my classes.Every day she had talked to me since I had started to like her more and more.we chat on I.M jsut not sure if she really likes me or not.I dont no if I should ask her out or what.if so how?

Answer #1

lol shes very nice our parents know each other she was born like 8 days after me went to preschool together. its just dunno if she likes me enough.

Answer #2

im a guy I need more advice please.

Answer #3

lol I take to her all the time joanna91, if thats what you mean by flirting.

Answer #4

Are you a lesbian?

Answer #5

go for it, you’ve got nothing to loose & everything to win. =)

Answer #6

totaly you should ask her to go to a movie as a friend and if she flirts ask her out as a date!

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