Questions & Answers

  1. I really need to save up $500, how to save that much?
  2. How do you put music on your PSP?
  3. How do you deal with teachers that you do not like at all?
  4. Who Loves What Moviestar?
  5. What's a good book to read?
  6. How can I get Darkrai?
  7. How to apply for a hardship license in Illinois?
  8. Anyone like Hitler?
  9. Best Weave Technique?
  10. How to get rid of thoughts of her?
  11. How to get my life going?
  12. Does anyone hate their hips or lovehandles ?
  13. Is it my period or should I take Plan B?
  14. Does it hurt when you get a tattoo on your wrist?
  15. Online friends...or more?
  16. Dont you hate it when your head is everywhere?
  17. Where did you get your picture?
  18. Hillary Clinton wants to garnish your wages to pay for healthcare?
  19. What happens if Hilary Clinton becomes president?
  20. Halo 3 weapon respawn times?
  21. How to start a conversation?
  22. Does anyone know when JOB-CORP starts?
  23. What's the least amount I can eat without starvation mode?
  24. Attacking other members in public - not OK
  25. Anybody have any opinions about the rebate checks being sent out?
  26. Have you seen the Hannah Montana 3D concert movie?
  27. Wearing spandex is that ok for a guy?
  28. How can you get pink to stay in your hair?
  29. How to plant Bouganvilla twigs?
  30. Whats the 800 # to call to check 2 see if you have traffic warrants
  31. What are interesting facts about the Irish Potato Famine?
  32. Can you fix receding gums?
  33. How do I get a flat stomach?
  34. Will my Muslim man leave if I go back to Catholicism?
  35. How do you delete questions?
  36. No offense, but we Americans are aweful ignorant, what to do?
  37. Has anyone on here done a quija board?
  38. Did you know if you type your screen name into Google...
  39. Is imperialism good or bad?
  40. Why can you only send 5 FunMails?
  41. What's a fast way to memorize a poem?
  42. What's this lump on my stomach?
  43. What are good love quotes?
  44. Is there someone else in my boyfriend's life?
  45. How to hook up with him?
  46. Should I break up with my girlfriend?
  47. How to get urine out of a mattress?
  48. Did Hitler really die?
  49. Why does losing weight the unhealthy way last longer?
  50. Should I move on or wait and see what happens?
  51. Are Shih Tzu's prone to eye ulcers?
  52. Do Prom Dresses have to be long?
  53. How many people survived the Vietnam War?
  54. Where to get affordable lingerie in the UK?
  55. What if he is sweet but nasty?
  56. How to see the text message?
  57. What are the best sports to lose weight?
  58. What to do for Valentine's Day?
  59. What car dealerships could I get sponsorship from?
  60. BMW, why do you like BMWs?
  61. How does my body look in my pictures?
  62. Is he missing me?
  63. How do I check if my questions got answered?
  64. Why am I fine on speed and ill on pro plus?
  65. Can I move out at 18 in South Africa?
  66. Is constant peeing normal in pregnancy?
  67. How to balance everything in my life?
  68. Why aren't gym memberships free?
  69. Notebook -vs- Laptop?
  70. How to make out?
  71. How to do a messy bun?
  72. Should I leave college to chase my dreams?
  73. I miss having someone to care!
  74. How to know if the condom has ripped?
  75. What are a teen Mom's rights in Ohio?
  76. Who is better for me?
  77. How can I move on?
  78. How to retrieve old AOL emails?
  79. What's the average weight for my age and height?
  80. What kind of dog is she?
  81. What's a good love song for us?
  82. Why does my iTunes crash if I put it on cover view?
  83. Why does she do this?
  84. What if my boyfriend's ex has his baby?
  85. How to shrink jeans?
  86. Can I be pregnant if we had clothes on?
  87. How to make the bed stop creaking?
  88. What if I like my best friend?
  89. Can I move out at 17 in OK?
  90. How can I deal with my Mom?
  91. Can eating white rice help lose weight?
  92. How to fix the wifi connection on my DS?
  93. Who will hire 14-year-olds in Virginia?
  94. Should I try to find him or just forget about it?
  95. How to have nice curves?
  96. Did the Giants ruin your weekend?
  97. Is there someone special in my life?
  98. How do you put your display pic?
  99. What if his ex is back in the picture?
  100. Who loves Nikki Sixx?