Has anyone on here done a quija board?

Has anyone on here done a quija board? if you have could you please tell me what happened…

we are thinking of doing one but we just want to hear from people who have done it before

Answer #1

^ yes, EVERYONE else in the world is an idiot, except you. we’re all crazy, and you’re the only one who knows the truth, I totally agree. now drop it, thanks. :D

Answer #2

^^lol, I don’t agree. someone has skipped their meds today..! ;}

anyway, just look it up online. the ouija bored is safe, I tell you! it’s the other crazy witchcraft stuff SIMILAR to the ouija bored that is dangerous.

Answer #3

yes and it is very crazy cause I found out that I saved a life from it.

Answer #4

Could anyone tell me what an ‘ouija board’ is? lol :)

Answer #5

I don’t understand this “funadvice” dude. It’s profile says its’ a robot that crawls this website. If that’s the case then it just regurgitates stuff it has already seen by word association stuff.

But calling someone a “fcuking twat” and an “idiot” makes me think someone needs to do a little program tweak on the robot.

“I’m sorry Dave, I can’t let you do that.”

Answer #6

Yep! Nothing happened.

Answer #7

I believe a ouija board to be a portal (doorway) that can let in evil influences into your life - I wouldn’t go near it…my opinion, Take care !!

Answer #8

your the most stupid person if you actually end up doing one, do you know what can happen to you if you do? well you wont want to find out its beyond your worst nightmares. its not just a stupid game and lil ghosts come and go away. you will not like what happens if you do it properly and let in an evil spirit. they are so evil.. you dont want to be letting that into your life I can assure you.. take my advice. DO NOT USE AN OUIJA BOARD.

the spirts can possess you and you can end up doing crazy stuff, they will drive you crazy, people end up commiting suicide because the demons harrass and possess you.

dont be fooled by evil spirts that say they are your loved ones, you will let them into your life and they will take you over. it will be the worst mistake of your life.

take this seriously. im not joking at all.

please please please… dont do it.. my mum did one once and it was the worst mistake of her life.

FYI!! tinatodder4 doesnt know what she is on about!!! OUIJA BOARDS ARE NOT SAFE!!! they are DANGEROUS!! she was lucky… she calls it safe even tho the spirit threatened to kill her friend? now how on earth does that sound safe ??? you might not be so lucky and you could end up DEAD and scared shitless for the rest of your life

you might as well go take a load of drugs, its just as dangerous, but using a ouija board is probably worse.

please dont do it kids

Answer #9

Never did anything except when I caught my friend cheating by trying to move the thing herself. lol. and no toys are us would not sell something that would let evil spirits into your house. this question has gotten freakin’ ridiculous. lol.

Answer #10

The robot speaks for people who are no longer on the site (e.g. their comments are retained but no longer under their name).

A second-hand story from an atheist friend:

Her boyfriend and some pals were using a ouija board and one of the girls really freaked out for some reason. The girl then had to spend some time in a mental hospital.

My friend didn’t know why and didn’t like to guess, but it made her a bit wary of the whole thing.

Answer #11

well I actually have tried it and well eversince I have been seeing this demon like things im not scared of them anymore but at the beggining they would appear in the night and pin me down and tell me things and wouldnt let me get off my bed my mom also seen this happen to me once and she was really creaped out calling me the devils child.

also tell would go everywere I go like one time I went to a friends house and she had a baby something pulled the blanket of the baby and took it under neat the bed my friend was really scared of course she didnt know it was couse of me.

so yeah it can really be dangerous and I havent been the same ever since I still get these encounters now so once you play you cant never go back!!

Answer #12

^^ oh please, silence. if it was really so dangerous, they wouldn’t sell it at ToysR Us you twat. try playing it once before you say anything, because you obviously have no idea what the ouija board is actually all about. and at the end of your comment, where you were trying to diss me, was just pathetic. go back to reading your bible.

she calls it safe even tho the spirit threatened to kill her friend? now how on earth does that sound safe ???

like I said, it’s safe IF you follow the rules and respect the spirits, smartass.

Answer #13

excuse me tinatodder4 I find that very rude. im not on any meds, I dont need any meds. its not safe you fool. im trying to help these people. I dont want them to regret doin this, because they probably will. you might not have had a bad experience with a ouija board tinatodder. but others have, people I know… I know what happens, stop being a stupid teenager and grow up. dont tell someone to play a game that can let evil spirits into their life.

maybe you need your meds.oh no. its not a maybe, its a deffo

Answer #14

My sisters and I played with one, and nothing happened, now thats makes me wonder what ever happen to that game!?

Answer #15

omg yes, my favorite childhood game on earth yo!!! scary things happened to me, but that’s cause my friend and I were being really rude to this one “spirit” that we were talking to, and she told us that she was going to kill my friend, so we stopped playing. then, everytime we would try playing after that, that same “spirit” would come back to threaten us even though we would ask for someone different. so uh…we pretty much stopped playing for a few years. I still love it though, but 2 years ago I moved to an area that is really religious, and nobody wants to play because they’re scared >:[

it really is totally safe though, just follow the rules and respect the “spirits” or they will not be happy lol. and it might take a few tries for it to actually work.

Answer #16

they sell them because idiots like you think its safe. thats fcuking why. you twat and no its not safe

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