Why does she do this?

now that I spoke to my girlfriend telling her that I dont like when she dances with other guys she says im a big baby that im over reacting. I do trust her and I know she would stop dancing with a guy if he tries to touch her in any way. but still to think that another guy is grinding on her makes me mad and jealous. I really need some advice. I told her that I dont like it but she refuses to listen she gets mad she says that im controling her, I know I kinda am but she has to realize that this is a realationship not a game that she cant do something I hate we must go 50 50. I told her that it hurt me when she said that she dance with over ten guys which were her friend (supposly) and that I dont like that but the next day again she danced with guys I was shoked. I know its nothing I believe her but it justs bothers me thinking about it.

Answer #1

Yeah I agreewith ‘Akia’, start dancing with other girls and see how this makes her feel, if she does’nt care dump her but if she does care tell her thats exactly how you feel when you see her grindin up against one of her ‘freinds’

Answer #2

that would make me pretty f* mad if mi boyfriend was dancing wit some chick. you have to let her know that you trust her. and that she should put herself in yur shoes of teh situation and ask her how she would feel if you wer dancing wit a hotter girl than her.

shes either trying to make you jealous to c if you really lover her. or shes jus being a slutt because shes a bitc*.

Answer #3

Well if she does all this and she called you a big baby den she obiously not worth it your a sweet guy I can tell.your being protective and she’s not listening just dump her and find som1 who will respect you for da awesome gut you r

Answer #4

well since she seems like if she doesnt care then you should consider talking to her..like telling her that if its right for her to do it than you are too…and if she doesnt stop then you arent either and shes going to start getting mad or jelous juss as you…and she will hopefully realise that thats not right?!?! ~LILI09’

Answer #5

if I were you il also dance with lots of ladies infront of her…if she didnt becme jelous, shes not serous with this relationship so…u should dump her…

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