Questions & Answers

  1. Panama facts
  2. How do you know?
  3. collecting Pez
  4. He told someone we are dating
  5. I screwed my friend over
  6. The Devil Toilet
  7. Why have my periods stopped??
  8. Runaways play
  9. Homemade Cigarettes
  10. Bumps On My Head
  11. boyfriend my boyfriend is coming over on monday for the whole day
  12. I can't find this song on itunes!
  13. Is 14 too old for Halloween costume?
  14. Who likes the song Pressure by Paramore?
  15. Makeup mahem
  16. Change Age?
  17. What is a migraine?
  18. Impossible to be addicted to Marijuana?
  19. The film 'Walkabout'
  20. Whats your favorite sonic drink ??
  21. Aptitude test
  22. How to get fabric dye off of hands..?
  23. Secret Shame??
  24. Is it bad to eat only when you're hungry?
  25. My sons 2nd birthday...
  26. Birthday Party Issue
  27. How old do you have to be to get married?
  28. Plain OR Serrated knives?
  29. Are Americans less free or more free?
  30. AIG bailout
  31. What did the decleration of independence do?
  32. What polotical party in your view best represents the founders?
  33. What does confederate mean to you?
  34. How can republicans improve their image to the american people?
  35. What's the reason to get cramps before starting the period?
  36. What could happen?
  37. My boyfriend or my friend
  38. Which iPod should I get?
  39. Creepy girl, what do I do?!
  40. How to act around my 1st boyfriend
  41. I want to get pregant
  42. Octi out of Powerpuff girls cuddly toy?
  43. Should he be given a second chance?
  44. How to tell if you're a good kisser?
  45. Tendon Cyct
  46. Why should I believe in god?
  47. Garage Tunes
  48. Pug/Chihuaha
  49. Whats the reason for school shooting?
  50. What exactly is an isoceles triangle?
  51. What is Twilight besides a vampire book?
  52. What would happen if someone did this
  53. Is half full and half empty the same thing?
  54. 5'2" 14 boy weigh?
  55. Over The Top Sleepover Ideas
  56. Tragus piercing pain level?
  57. How can you get an erection when there's nothing to arouse you?
  58. Are you against meeting online and dating or not?
  59. Good Music
  60. Problems talking
  61. How do you post an anonymous question?
  62. McDonalds Vrs. Taco Bell
  63. Has anyone noticed how much bring me the horizon have changed?
  64. Confirm email!!!
  65. Jobs besides fast food?
  66. What kind of upgrades is funadvice getting?
  67. What will make my boobs grow?
  68. Is the CSA flag Heritage or hate?
  69. Incinerator OR dump
  70. Man I am losing my head
  71. I want braids
  72. Alphabetic order?
  73. Attack of the 000s!
  74. Is Pita bread Fattening?
  75. What song should I sing ?
  76. What is the most inspiring thing a politician has done?
  77. My mom talks like a therapist
  78. Amsterdam vacation
  79. Creationism, world was created in 7 days?
  80. My close guy friend
  81. If you have a MSN can you add someone with myspace IM?
  82. Please help I want bigger boobs
  83. Should the unborn have equal rights?
  84. Tupacs 7 day theory
  85. Why aren't I pregnant?
  86. How do I block a site off a computer?
  87. Software that lets you create your own music?
  88. Why if in usa the economy is bad the other countries are bad also.
  89. Do you think handicapped women should be allowed to get pregnant?
  90. Tupac: dead or alive
  91. How Can I Tell My Parents that I am a lesbian?
  92. Name for this 'poem'?
  93. Toe touch help!
  94. Of Mice and Men book by john steinbeck
  95. Where Can I Watch Video ?
  96. I'm confused about my girls actions.
  97. What is Obama's plan regarding military budget?
  98. leaving a laptop turned on 24/7
  99. FunAdvice wont upload my photo
  100. How to write a song?