What polotical party in your view best represents the founders?

What polotical party in your view best represents the founding fathers? What founding father influenced you the most?

Answer #1

I agree with the first part of samyvengence’s answer, but as for my most influential person, I say George Washington and Alexander Hamilton. If Washington had not been born, we either would have not won the American Revolution, and if we had, we would be living in a monarchy, not a democracy, because Washington was offered the position of king of the U.S. and turned it down. And as for Hamilton, he helped shape the US government, and was the first secretary of the treasury. Hamilton had many revolutionary ideas and without him, the government wouldn’t be as powerful as it is today.
Oh, and Thomas Paine was a big american man considering he wrote Common Sense and is called the Father of the American Revolution.

And about Thomas Jefferson’s fantastic ideas, he stole them from John Locke. Does “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” sound familiar? Well John Locke, who lived during the 17th century, wrote about “life, liberty, and estate”. Something about Jefferson sound wrong there?

Answer #2

Yep RG, we were damned lucky to have him.

Technically, the party of Jefferson was what became the modern day Democratic Party. The republican party didn’t come into existance until the mid 19th century. But RG is right, there is little resemblence to the parties of today.

Answer #3

Neither political party “represents” the American founding fathers. That’s not a bad thing; times have changed quite a bit since the late 18th century.

I think the most influential founding father was George Washington. At one point he almost single handedly prevented a military coup by Continental Army officers. When you study what some revolutionary leaders have done during and after their rise to power in other countries, it’s easy to see that Washington was something special, and the US is lucky to have had him.

Answer #4

true he took from locke but he also changed it!! locke was smart but unwell liked at first!!! jefferson was way smarter!! I agree thomas paine was a great guy…hamilton was hugley important!! was washington was a great guy!! I just think that jefferson was a great guy!!! he had his own ideals and you know what nullification was great!! and he also promoted a strict constition!! if he didnt congress could just do what ever they wanted as long as it wasnt implyed!!! we would not be living in monarchy!! granted washington opposed the kingship but he also didnt want to be president!! why do you think he quit after only two terms of which the 2nd he was guilted into?

Answer #5

well I have to tell you that at first there wasnt a political party, there was the whigs and the tories!!! and then there was federalist..they were like modern day democrates and then there were the anti ferderal-or democratic repulicans!! thats what they called themselves… the fed’s supported england and the anti supported france!! I’d have to say that the federalists best represents it, but that is not entirely accurate because while adams and washington and hamilton were federalists, jefferson was an anti fed!! and they were huge!!! so I guess an accurate statement wouuld be that there was no one party!! and as for the influence I’d have to say it would be thomas jefferson, because he ideals were fantastic!! he opposed a loose interpretation of the constition and thought that states rights were hugley important!! and also supported nullification!! he overall was a great man!!!

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