Should the unborn have equal rights?

It seems only those we see we give rights to when you cant see the baby it makes it easy to strip it of its right. aborted children will never be able to march demand equil rights they cant say anything to say no dont do it. They are blind and unable to speack yet they are at our mercy. Such people should be protected from the evils of people who selfishly pleasure themselves not thinking of the consequences. Once reality hits that oh ya sex does have meaning its to produce kids. Well this unfortunate soul is now at the mercy of a couple who may not want him. Sadly they choose not to send him to adoption but to abort him so easy to kill. out of sight out of mind if you dont look its not even a human then you can kill him. How will the unborn ever get rights the right to life and the pursuit of happiness that we seem to have forgotten that those unborn are just as much entitled to our rights as we are. Many evil people throughout history made a choice to harm people what makes you innocent what makes your hands clean of your own childs blood?

Answer #1

I think so a life is a like and should be respected I am not religous but I am against baby murder in all forms

Answer #2

“Should the unborn have equal rights?” - Yes, an unborn baby (from the moment of conception) is a human being who should have rights - unfortunately by some it’s viewed as: ‘an inconvience’, ‘just a blob’, ‘a dishrag to be discarded’, ‘comes at a bad time for me’, ‘will tie me down’ in order to justify termination…very sad.

Answer #3

@jimahl: Actually, phrannie is right. Some 37 states have fetal homicide laws. See

Answer #4

“Then how come if someone murders a pregnant woman, can there be two counts of homicide???”

Care to cite the law that says this? Frankly phrannie, it is just not true. There are some states trying to make that kind of law, but none have passed. If you know differently, please let me know.

If you don’t know when a fetus becomes a baby, I suggest you look up the stages of human development. A fetus is unborn, and a baby is born. Pretty simple. It is not some great philosophical question. It is science.

Answer #5

A foetus is not viable outside of the womb until 24 weeks (6 months)- and even then it would need help from incubators and machines. Why should a ball of cells be given a voice over that of, say, a rape victim? Or someone who couldn’t give a child a decent life?

If people are so worried about terminating a ball of cells, I suggest they never take worming tablets, use bug spray, or use anti-bacterial handwash. Because hey, those are living things too, by your definition.

Answer #6

Following on from what nlocnil said - the economist Steven Levitt showed fairly conclusively that the crime drop in the US in the ‘90s was a direct result of Roe v Wade making abortion legal:

Answer #7

I’ve already talked about this and dont want to do it again, however, you cant edit your rant once someone’s already replied

Answer #8

What is the question, here, exactly?

FunAdvice is for asking advice, not posting political rants. Please clarify if you have a question.

Answer #9

srry about the bad rating there ty but ya ok ty for letting me know

Answer #10

Dunno phrannie, you’d have to take it up with the legislature… I guess it boils down to a woman’s right to choose?

lol, sorry wolfgun I was being harsh, you cant edit any question once someone’s answered (be it a rant or a question)

Answer #11

I just did Should the unborn have rights? thats a question the other stuff was my opinion and my observation on how people justifie their actions

THE QUESTION IS SHOULD THE UNBORN HAVE RIGHTS? im surprised you didnt see that

Answer #12

That is a good question, although your rant was very good. Right now, a fetus does not have rights separate and apart from the mother. If they did then abortion would be considered murder. The answer is one society will have to deal with, but it will not be easy.

Answer #13

How do I edit my topics,,, Aparently I talked about the topic too much so now it looks a rant since I cant undo it and type it different to more reflect the main question which is should the unborn have equil rights.

Answer #14

ignore the innocent blood question mark thats just opinion but the question is Should the unborn have rights. Please stop assuming its a polotical rant its a legitimate question

Answer #15

There’s no objective, secular reason to accord an embryo the same rights as a human being. They’re not self-aware, they have less capacity to feel pain than most animals - who we have no problem killing for many and various reasons.

If your reason for objecting to abortion is religious, fine - but you have no right to foist that on other people who don’t share your beliefs.

Answer #16

Then how come if someone murders a pregnant woman, can there be two counts of homicide??? (and she doesn’t have to be 9 months pregnant, either) Abort a baby…a ok…Kill a pregnant woman, the the “fetus” becomes a human with rights…S’plain Lucy???

Just another one of those “Gawd the law bugs me” things. I don’t profess to KNOW when a “fetus” becomes a “baby”…I mean they LOOK like a baby at 3 months…can’t mistake it for a horse, or a cow…or a puppy…

Answer #17

A fetus and baby are two different things, you would learn that if you studies the development of the fetus in the mother’s womb. I am pro-choice. A woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy if she feels that she needs to. I dont think that crack whres should be forced to have babies, that will end up on the streets doing drugs, prostitution, or have various mental and physical problems from their mothers drug use. I dont think that a mother should be forced to have a child she does not want, only to resent it, treat it bad, or even abuse the child because she hates it. I dont think that a rape victim should be forces to carry that asholes baby, and look at that child every day and see his face. I dont think that women should have to go through back alley abortions again, drinking bleach, using coat hangers etc. It not only could kill both the mom and baby, the baby could live and suffer because of it.

Pro-life takes away a woman’s rights.

Answer #18

I wish I had $1 for everytime I had to explain that an Unborn Child is NOT a lump of cells, an unborn child is a separate intity from his/her mother and therefor is an individual person that should have all the rights afforded to you and I.

While abortion is legal - No one is safe, if we can discriminate against the unborn whos next? Do we discriminate against babies who are sick? Do we allow Infanticide? Do we do away with the elderly because they need our support? Do we kill people who are on well fare becuase they cant afford to support themselves?

Pro Life = Pro Child, Pro Family, Pro God (mostly), Selfless giving, Love
Pro Choice = Pro Murder, Pro Discrimination, Anti Child, Anti God, Selfishness, Hatred

I know whos side I wanna stand on.

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