What did the decleration of independence do?

Is the declaration of Independence a symbol or a government paper stating our formation into a nation? If the declaration of independence have no rights to give then whats the point of the declaration of the reason americans had the right to dissolve and establish a new one? Were the americans acting against international law when they established the nation of USA? What do you think about what the declaration indepenedence means and said?

Answer #1

let me make myself more clear no it was not john hancocks words it was his handwriting thats why I said he wrote it

Answer #2

First off, the declaration is an important document with regards to our history, but it has nothing to do with the way our goverment operates. But it did define some of the ideals we wanted our new nation to have.

It was not written by John Hancock. Hancock was the president of the continental congress, which is Why his signature is so prominent. It was written by Jefferson at the behest of John Adams and Ben Franklin. Washington had nothing to do with it.

It did not violate any laws except british ones, which we were no longer recognizing.

Answer #3

the declaration is the most important document this country has ever had!! it was written by john hancock!! and proposed by washington and jefferson!! it stated our independance from england stated englands faults and stated our formation as a country!! no they arent going to dissolve it!! thats what the bill of rights is for!! those are our nations rights, which can be added to
no, they were not acting against international law, they were acting against britsh law!! the declaration means america is a free country uncontroled by britain and it said that the british kind was unfair and named his faults

Answer #4

I have a hard time believing you were born in 84.

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