Questions & Answers

  1. What's the difference between "thaw" and "defrost"?
  2. Why have virtually all reading materials gotten smaller?
  3. What is the best way to cut your toe nail so that it doesn't dig into your skin?
  4. Is it true that the KFC restaurant is no longer in Ohio?
  5. What are good ways to make money?
  6. What are some cruelty-free foundations?
  7. Is it good to wear something tight around your stomach while working out?
  8. Should a president be able to have more than two terms?
  9. What car is good for a first car? (read more)
  10. What should you do when you find out one of your best friends are cutting themselves?
  11. Which would you rather get: (girls) Jeffery Campbell Lita Boot or White Doc Marten Boots?
  12. FunAdvice Trivia: Technically, the Banana plant is what sort of plant?
  13. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Mexican Chicken Alfredo
  14. What is your opinion on the movie Ted?
  15. Do you think putting a GPS on every city vehicle will save the city money in the long run?
  16. How do I get a more boyish figure?
  17. Why are feminine pads good and how do you prevent odor?
  18. What percentage of your household expenditure would you ask for from a person who was to move in with your family?
  19. What was your reaction to the movie "Magic Mike"?
  20. Can you pay for a moving violation with pennies?
  21. Is it bad to use skin lifting cream/anti wrinkle cream if you're young?
  22. Which hair color looks best on me - black, red, brown, or blonde?
  23. What is the point of bottled water with sodium?
  24. What should I do for my 18th birthday tomorrow?
  25. What would cause a sudden outbreak of chaffing/rash in your armpit?
  26. What can I do to handle my dog?
  27. FunAdvice Trivia: What did/do Cowboys refer to as a John B?
  28. Where can I buy original Yu-Gi-Oh! cards?
  29. What can I make with all my excess sugar in my kitchen?
  30. What does it mean to "foresake yourself"?
  31. what if you accidentally squirted your sperm inside a vagina, does it have a chance of preganancy?
  32. Does anyone else just get bored and send a really long text to their crush or lover?
  33. What are the uses of the wattmeter, megger, multimeter, xyplotter and wheatstone bridge?
  34. Is the Sephora brand makeup good?
  35. Do you guys think that if I ask Colleen to FunMail me my password, she will give it to me?
  36. What is your personal opinion on diet pills?
  37. Does anyone else agree that Justin Bieber's new song "Maria" is rude? (read more)
  38. How would you describe your style?
  39. What's your favorite nailpolish?
  40. What are the best exercises to lose weight in the stomach, legs, and upper back area?
  41. Would you rather: meet your favorite band/artist for 10 seconds *or* meet a band/artist you find annoying for 1 hour?
  42. Has anyone ever suffered from a panic disorder similar to this? (read more)
  43. Why am I so indecisive on eating?
  44. Where do you find the name of the author and the date published when reading a article online?
  45. Why does my dimple chin come out some days and other days it doesn't?
  46. How dark can I get the windows on my car tinted?
  47. What happens at Muslim funeral?
  48. Why can't I gain or lose weight?
  49. What is it like on a loop roller coaster?
  50. What is a good and healthy way for a woman who is pregnant to gain weight?
  51. What's the quickest way to get rid of stretch marks?
  52. How do you make a Skype account?
  53. Where is the most painless area to get a tattoo?
  54. How long will it take to get my first passport in the mail after the passport interview?
  55. Is sending someone a sexual email considered sextin?
  56. Why would the FBI shut down the fix to a malicious software scam when they can extend this fix or even make it permanent?
  57. Why am I the odd one out at school?
  58. Do "bibliography", "work cited", and "reference" mean the same thing?
  59. Why won't my parents let me have privacy?
  60. How can I get super soft feet?
  61. What is the Freebie Phrase of the Day for the June/July issue of Seventeen?
  62. Where would I look to buy a pair of shorts with suspenders (more)?
  63. What does "brain freeze" feel like?
  64. Did anyone receive a Hanson vs Google settlement check?
  65. How is it that an interesting show like The River gets canceled but they still have Big Brother?
  66. What are your thoughts on Usher's performance and look at the BET awards?
  67. How to convince my religious mother to let me see Magic Mike?
  68. What is the minimum wage where you live?
  69. What questions should I ask the person who's showing me a new house?
  70. Do you think it would be better if we had a president who was independent and not affiliated with a democratic or a republican party?
  71. Is mango healthy when it says 20% juice?
  72. Why do woman footballers not earn as much as male?
  73. What kind of piercings do you think would suit me?
  74. How could I publish a book at my age?
  75. What does it mean when girls drive big trucks?
  76. Is it common to have a hard time sleeping alone after you have with your boyfriend?
  77. How can I entertain myself and make work go by more quickly?
  78. Is it okay to wear the sunscreen you'd put on your body, on your face?
  79. What is good to eat in this hot weather?
  80. What color/style of Doc Martens for a girl?
  81. Why isn't The Big Bang Theory on Netflix?
  82. What do I need to know to become an actress?
  83. How do you cite personal stories using APA style?
  84. How can I get a super easy job that pays good?
  85. Does a gyroscope need to be free rotating or can it be propelled by a source of some sort?
  86. what do you do when fwb's mom sees you through the window....the morning after?
  87. How do you like your toilet paper - over or under?
  88. How often should you deep condition your hair with olive oil?
  89. How to get on the pill without my mom knowing?
  90. How to you get nail polish off that's stuck underneath your nail?
  91. How much weight can I loose in 5 weeks at a healthy rate?
  92. What causes Dejá Vú?
  93. Is eating alot of Nutella bad for you?
  94. What size Hollister denim shorts am I?
  95. Does Wimbledon take place in different countries each year?
  96. What makes Magic Mike rated R?
  97. Who else hates their life at times?
  98. Have you heard about the new "malware" computer/internet virus that is supposed to "happen" so to speak on Monday and do you plan to take any action?
  99. Could I be allergic to my laundry detergent or something else?
  100. What kind of traumatic events lead to,cause, or become repressed memories?