Questions & Answers

  1. Did thomas crapper really invent the toilet?
  2. What are some good party games for about 15-20 teens at partay?
  3. What is better for lacrosse defense?
  4. Do chickens have large talons?
  5. What does a pinched nerve in your ankle feel like, and can you get one from hitting a hard object?
  6. How did the Egyptians portray their gods?
  7. How come no one thought of ignoring people so they wouldnt have to even see their posts?
  8. Who invented the coat hanger?
  9. Are the new coconut M&M's the best M&M ever?
  10. Why does the inside of my belly itch, about and inch or less below my belly button?
  11. Which phone should i get: LG Sentio, Samsung Gravity T, or a Blackberry?
  12. When you have cataracts, does your eyesite get worse everyday?
  13. why do people do stupid stuff to be cool?
  14. how contagious is mono?
  15. Who knows if it's true that DMT is in your body and when you die or are about to it release it into yur brain?
  16. How does it work when two girls get married for last names?
  17. Who has facts about weed and brain cells?
  18. Is taking the bus dangerous?
  19. How is a dad emotionally abusive?
  20. What is worse: saying something and wishing you had or saying nothing and wishing you hadn't?
  21. Who knows if the doctor will put me to sleep when i get my wisdom teeth taken out?
  22. what's the hardest lesson you've leared on love (bf/gf, family, or friend)?
  23. What do you think about marriage at 19?
  24. how can i draw peoples figures for fashion designing?
  25. What brand is your digital camera if you have on and is it any good?(:
  26. How much do voice coaches normally cost?
  27. Who knows--is it true that if you sneeze with your eyes open, your eyeballs will pop out of your head?
  28. How can I get NVIDIA PHYSX system package with runtime 2.8.1?
  29. Who knows some really nice songs in the alto range that would be good to sing at a Talent Show?
  30. is all funmail private?
  31. Is it ok to have these measurements at 14??
  32. What can be causing these weird belly feelings?
  33. how much weight do you think is too light for a 13 year old thats 5 4?
  34. what are online shopping websites that i can go to to buy clothes for school?
  35. What is straightforward narrative?
  36. How do you tell your mom that you are sexually active?
  37. how can i stop my dog from eating grass???
  38. how do i convince my parents to trust me again ?
  39. What do you think of my storyline?
  40. What's the fastest way to get THC out of your system?
  41. How will unemployment benefits change under Obama's proposition, and is it an official bill yet?
  42. Where are some sites where you could get some acting auditions or singing auditions in Ottawa Ontario!?
  43. what are some fun games on the internet?
  44. where's a site where i can download full length new songs for free and transfer them to itunes?
  45. what do you think of this poem?
  46. how do i get the tm ice fang in pokemon soul silver?
  47. What do I do after I finish my book?
  48. Why do my nails always flake and peel back?
  49. Do most cats like to sleep on laptops?
  50. what is the reasoning behind "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" ?
  51. What is your middle name?
  52. Would you ever dye your hair an exotic color?
  53. What would you think if someone said "i effed the effin hoonker"?
  54. Who thinks it's a good idea to wear doc martins to avenged sevenfold and bullet for my valentine concert because i'm standing ?
  55. Does anyone have any "coming out" stories? To friends or family?
  56. what do you think about the pasasailing donkey stunt?
  57. Why am I having these crazy mood swings?
  58. why cant i get tan?
  59. Who watches Pit Boss and what do you think of what their doing?
  60. what dog would you choose?
  61. Why hasn't there been much news coverage on China's oil spill?
  62. What's the highest I can raise my 1.3 gpa up to?
  63. What should I wear when I go out to eat with him and his parents?
  64. How can I fix my phone?
  65. What is the most accurate way to lose 10 pounds in 1 month?
  66. What would happen if you commited a sin then died before you asked for forgiveness?
  67. What are some careers that involve only a couple of months or a year of training school?
  68. What if I wanted to lose 50 pounds by late October or early November?
  69. Who knows if jello is freezeable?
  70. what does it mean when your friend say your going to be bait in high school ?
  71. Where are some good places to take lingerie photos ?
  72. Where can i get AFFORDABLE scene/emo clothes?
  73. Who has ever heard that people can see color on a black and white television?
  74. how do i come up with a beginning for a story??
  75. how do you get rid of a sore throat when u can't swallow anything?
  76. How can I tell my grandma that I can not stand her disrespectful bf?
  77. what was the band that played in 2010 warped tour in Baltimore?
  78. Does a 'How to' have to be written or can it be all in one video?
  79. how can a yeast infection be cured?
  80. How do I start a letter of recommendation?
  81. How does weed really destroy brain cells does it at all?
  82. How do I colorize black and white photos using a Macbook?
  83. Can i use my kodak easy share camera as a web cam?
  84. who know how much it is to fix a volkswagon 1972 engin?
  85. when you get a slight sunburn, and your face starts to peel a LiTtLe bit, wat kan you do to keep it from getting worse?
  86. What do you want to happen to your body after you die?
  87. Is it bad to be in a bunch of clubs freshmen year?
  88. what are just random things that work?
  89. What do you think about the show on MTV " if you really knew me"?
  90. can anyone hear perform black magic? xx :D
  91. How can I get a flawless glam makeup look?
  92. Why are there holes in my clothes ?
  93. What do i tell the hairdresser when i go to my hairdresser to get a emo/scene haircut?
  94. How do I find a way to stop my dog from scratching?!?!?! Help! He won't stop whining and he scratches as if he has chicken pox!!! =( What can he possibly have?
  95. who can tell me what exactly happens during a vaginal sonogram?
  96. What're some good school clubs to join?
  97. What would you do if it was your last day to live? :) xx
  98. How do I keep my skin from being so oily?? Any specific products that I need to use?
  99. Who else is addicted to the TV show Criminal Minds?
  100. what would you choose: should i buy contacts or an instrument?(piano)