Questions & Answers

  1. Why did i have a black-out (Pass out) ?
  2. is it possible to blow an amp because it isnt getting enough power?
  3. What is a good, cheep(around $200-$400) computer with a webcam?
  4. What are some good, popular, non-musical plays for a middle school to do?
  5. How do you find out what ring size you are?
  6. What are some bands/singers that have the same sort of sound as Cocorosie?
  7. What are those kits called where you make a mold of your hand using plaster?
  8. how long do conures need to be out of their cage every day?
  9. What does it mean when you try to answer a question, and you get the message "question is not available for answers", or something like that?
  10. how do you get your fringe back to how it was once u got it cut after you have had a shower?
  11. What are the advantages of an unlocked cell phone?
  12. How do I make a video smaller so that I can upload it?
  13. who knows if ciara is a man or not?
  14. why do people believe in the kissing under the mistletoe thing?
  15. Is the Universe expanding or shrinking?
  16. how old is taylor swift on 13/12/10?
  17. What nationality was Burdine Collins, born on June 12, 1882, husband of Sadie who lived in Letcher County, KY?
  18. What is a good song about thanking god?
  19. Does using soap everyday in winters good for our face?
  20. Why do people insist there is evidence that "God" exists, what exactly are they saying is evidence?
  21. Whats your favorite store in your mall & why?
  22. How can I get over my fear of gym class ?
  23. What does the word "masochist" mean?
  24. What are your opinions on the theory that we are genetically lazy?
  25. Whats your favorite tv comedy show?
  26. What are these little cookie things you see on tumblr alot?
  27. Where did kissing under the mistletoe come from?
  28. Which country has the lowest value currency?
  29. Do you think there will ever be a 100% effective form of birth control or condom?
  30. Is the slot number the same as the channel id when updating your adsense in your setting?
  31. can i go to a community college while am getting my g,e,d?
  32. Who will be watching a new show called "phowned"?
  33. What do you know about Naples, Italy?
  34. How to delete files from Nintendo DS game "Lost Magic"?
  35. How can lobsters come back to life after being thawed?
  36. Can anybody give me a list of Melora Creager's songs from her new album Sister Kinderhook?
  37. What does it mean to have a level 2 emergency (for weather)?
  38. how many repetitions does a 18 year old have to do with 20 pound dumbbells ?
  39. Why doesn't my point increase?
  40. Can you still get pregnant while using a condom as your ONLY contraceptive?
  41. what is this asking me " If you are currently residing in California, when did your present stay begin?
  42. Is the rub-on fake tan bad for your skin?
  43. Does how much sleep you get effect your weight?
  44. Do tall men have bigger "things"??
  45. Is it normal for my hands to shake?
  46. Should I be worried if my hands shake after I eat?
  47. are white tigers safe to be around with??
  48. When building a home, should you go for highest efficiency, or is it worth the added expense?
  49. What do you think is a good size home in square foot, for a 4 person family?
  50. why do people think that OSHO was bad??
  51. Why Gastric Lavage is performed with the patient is sleeping on the left side?
  52. What is abstraction in java?
  53. Why do people think they can make a living on this site?
  54. Is there a specific name for this type of window?
  55. Do you think their should be a time limit authorities have to find a criminal and be able to charge them?
  56. What is consider good shape this day and age?
  57. what are some healthy foods I can bring to school that are filling and don't have lots of calories?
  58. what are signs of ring worm?
  59. does a diet of breakfeast and lunch having a bowl of special kay and a fruit sound like a good diet plan to loose some?
  60. why are quite people shy to talk or do anything?
  61. Does anyone ever get on topix?
  62. What brand of paint should I buy to paint my room?
  63. why do adults think teens don't have stress?
  64. What do you see everyday that makes you happy or proud?
  65. Do kids like to give parents a hard time?
  66. Should i buy Nokia X2?
  67. Where can i find zebra striped rain boots?
  68. What would you do if you knew you woudn't be caught for doing it?
  69. what is a tanks turant ??
  70. How much do exotic dancers make?
  71. is it bad if my mom is randomly getting mad and cussing out my grandma?
  72. Who think's that Skyline movie sucks?
  73. Is it wrong for me to feel frustrated at my parents for dragging me into the middle of their very heated and contentious divorce?
  74. Why the more controversial the question, the more points you get?
  75. How do u unflag a question?
  76. What have you seen that was so gross, you puked?
  77. Is it still special if I get my wife a gift from her own spa?
  78. Is buying a skateboard from a good idea?
  79. why do i doubt if i really believe that jesus died for me?
  80. Why do toung piercings make bjs feel better?
  81. What can you do if you feel constantly stressed?
  82. can you explain some parts of evolution for me?
  83. What are five professions that use geometry in the real world?
  84. Why can't the funmail put the most resent message on top?
  85. How can you tell what region dvds your dvd player will play?
  86. Which is better to navigate through snow (if you don't have 4WD), rear-wheel or front-wheel drive?
  87. when getting your nose peirced, how long does it take the peircer to get the needle through?
  88. Who is gonna be watching the new season of Jesse Ventura?
  89. Who came up with the idea of breast augmentation?
  90. Why do i not have my period at 13? i am worried i will not be able to have children when i am older, i masterbate could this be the cause?
  91. whats the liquid coming out of your clit when you masterbate?
  92. Does Cold water tighten your muscles?
  93. What are personalities in people that you absolutely CANNOT stand?
  94. How do you read an API in java?
  95. what kinds of degrees will you need for a career in microgravity?
  96. What kinds of things are required to become a psychiatrist, counselor, or a marriage counselor?
  97. Is there any program you can download onto windows 7 to make thescreen resolution choices like more advanced?
  98. Why Won't this file download as a zip?
  99. who can take the cold better men or women?
  100. Why does nobody trust me ever, I've never even lied to them, what should i say?