Why do i not have my period at 13? i am worried i will not be able to have children when i am older, i masterbate could this be the cause?

Answer #1

wait another year. if still nothing, then go see a gynacologist

Answer #2

Thanks :)

Answer #3

no problamo, glad i could help ;)

Answer #4

This is really nothing to worry about at all. Some females don’t have their periods until after 15 years old. I’m guessing you are thin and maybe exercise a lot. This will delay your period.

This does not mean you won’t be able to have children.

Masturbation has absolutely nothing to do with it at all.

Answer #5

I really wouldnt worry about it yet, if you dont get it by the time you are 16 then you should probably ask your doctor about it

Answer #6

Masturbation has nothing to do with it at all. And girls should get their first period between 12 and 16. You’re only 13 so you have nothing to worry about. Be glad you don’t have it yet.

Answer #7

Masturbation isn’t the cause.It could be genetics.Wait until your almost 16 if you don’t have it by then consult a doctor and he or she could put you on pills to make your period start.

Answer #8

Okay Thanks But Its Not Not Having My Period Thats Worrying me Its That imight not be able to have kids..

Answer #9

dont worry, you will be able to

Answer #10

all girls get there periods at different times. i know people who didnt get their period until they were 15 or 16. Trust me its not a fun process. However, if you dont get it by the time ur 15 or 16 then i wuld talk to ur mom and go see a doctor.

Answer #11

Thanks Everyone :)

Answer #12

I remember being so worried about this when I was 13 too! Lol. Seriously don’t worry… it WILL happen! Just be thankful you don’t have to deal with it yet. I got mine when I was 14. Some girls get theirs as late as 18, and as early as 9. So really, there isn’t anything to worry about. :)

Answer #13

So what neither do I some girls get theirs when there 16

Answer #14

it all depends on your genes and if you dont start by like 18 a doctor will have to give you hormones to make you start

Answer #15

This is normal. Trust me, enjoy your golden days without it ! Every girl gets her period at her own rate. Some girls don’t get it until their 16! Give your body time, and be happy without it! I was like you, I wanted it so bad. Now I get it every 2 weeks, and its driving me mad.

Answer #16

i agree with 11inchwonder wait it out for now

Answer #17

Masturbation has no impact on this — it’s just your body isn’t ready for that change yet.

I would say — don’t be in such a hurry to get it! Everyone I’ve talked to that has one – is NEVER a happy person when it’s occuring! Don’t compare your not having one yet to your ability to have children…. at least not yet!

If you’re really concerned – see your doctor. That person will know more than enough to help you understand whether its normal for YOU or not.

Answer #18

Don’t worry, it’s totally normal to start your period after the age of 13, some people don’t start until they’re 16 and can still have children later in life. If you do feel really worried then you may want to speak to your mum, the school nurse or a doctor and they can give you advice.

Answer #19

Some women don’t start until they’re in their 20s. My friend got hers at 17. She’s now got a beautiful baby boy (she’s 21). I got mine when I was 8. I wish I could have had an extra few years without the monthly monster.

Answer #20

It’ll come eventually, wait a few more years.

Answer #21

my mom got hers when she was a sophmore, and my older half sister got hers when she was even older. Dont worry, you’ll be fine.

Answer #22

I Just Started Mine Like 5 Days Ago. Im Not Trying To Freak You Out Or Anything But Its Horrible. If Youu Dont Change Your Pad Every Like Hour And A Half The Blood Sticks To Your Vagina And Its A Pain In The Butt. Youu Get Horny Easily And Think About Masterbating ALOT. And I Masterbated Acouple Days Before My Period And Then I Stoped.. It COULD Be The Cause But It Kinda Depends What Youu Were Masterbating With. Lol.

Answer #23

it’s not a bad thing that yyuh haven’t gotten yet. there are some women who don’t get their periods unti 16 and even 18 this doesn’t mean yyuhr not going to be a mpther one day. but if it makes yyuh uneasy, go to the doctors.

Answer #24

Getting your period depends on your height and weight. My friend who is 16 just got her period. It’s nothing bad and masterbating isn’t the cause

Answer #25

lots of people dont get there period till almost 16…. you should know this, havent you had a talk about puberty?

Answer #26

I wouldn’t takethis as advice. It depends with every girl. I know someone who go their at 16 so I would freak if I was you. And I think your crazy, getting your period is just a pain in the a$$.your not missing out on much.

Answer #27

be.glad. ur not missing out on anything fun,

Answer #28


Answer #29

you’ll be able to have kids once you get your period no matter when you get it. its not like your going to be getting pregnant anytime soon so just chill out.

Answer #30

If it was your first time sticking something in your vagina you probably broke your hymen which is a thin tissue on the opening of your vagina and yes it is okay to break it if this was not your first time you might have small tears in your vagina from going to hard don’t worry just stop masterbating for a few days

Answer #31

your ok =] . if you starve yourself like me when i wuz your age start eating because you body is not getin the vitamins it needs

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