Questions & Answers

  1. How do I keep a conversation going?
  2. Who's the girl who played Joey Fatones daughter on Hannah Montana?
  3. How to get my dog to stop staring out the window?
  4. Who plays Bioshock on Xbox 360?
  5. Can you get deaf from your iPod?
  6. When is the best time to get pregnant?
  7. Does my ex still like me?
  8. What do you think of my haircut?
  9. Should I see my Mom on her deathbed?
  10. What do people do in the snow?
  11. What if he abuses me?
  12. What are some good, fast breakfasts?
  13. What are good abdominal workouts?
  14. How to handle three crazy kids?
  15. What if he won't get back with me?
  16. What was the late 19th century labor movement?
  17. Why do my parents treat me worst?
  18. Do I look like a chipmunk?
  19. Is there a device to shield a computer screen from the sun?
  20. When is too early to give it up?
  21. How to make my crush jealous?
  22. Is my way of life bad?
  23. What are some quick tips to help me lose fat?
  24. Should I ask her out if she becomes single?
  25. What's a good song to dance to in a talent show?
  26. How do I move out of my house?
  27. Have you heard the band Robots & Butterflies?
  28. Has anyone read the Wave by Todd Strasser?
  29. What can help me have a happier life?
  30. Who thinks John Cena is sexy?
  31. Why won't my kidney stone pass?
  32. Should I wait for him?
  33. Do you have any workout routine tips?
  34. When is it too late to start gymnastics again?
  35. Which boy should I like?
  36. How do I check out all of the things I've posted at once?
  37. Why does it say I'm obese on a body fat calculator?
  38. How to get skinny fast without starving or puking?
  39. How to push myself to my body's limit?
  40. How to continue with my education when I don't have the funds?
  41. What Jobs can I get at age 15 over the summer?
  42. What do you think of Miley Cyrus's new song and her look?
  43. How do birds lay eggs?
  44. Where do babies come from?
  45. Does anyone like Law and Order?
  46. What does supercalifragilisticexpealidocious mean?
  47. What could be causing an upset stomach in our dog?
  48. How to handle my difficult brother?
  49. What is elephantism?
  50. Can you give me cute clothing and hairstyle ideas?
  51. How do you potty train your kid?
  52. How to move on from catching my boyfriend chatting?
  53. How do you use a pic in your headline on Myspace?
  54. How to feel better about myself?
  55. How do you lose 3 pounds in week?
  56. Where can I find lists of extreme numbers online?
  57. Where to buy nice waist belts in smaller sizes?
  58. How to get rid of frizzy hair from my perm?
  59. What if you like someone else?
  60. Is it possible to downgrade a laptop?
  61. Why do some gay guys sound like girls?
  62. Can we make our own Sims Life Stories?
  63. How do I get my tattoos removed?
  64. How to get girls to pay attention to me?
  65. Should I make him get tested?
  66. Ending of "The Catcher in the Rye"?
  67. Who will win this football game?
  68. Should I talk to her Gram about us?
  69. What should I do about my Dad?
  70. How to transform my style?
  71. Do Bob's Stores sell Ugg boots?
  72. Is Yellow Discharge Normal?
  73. Why wont my Vista laptop work Well?
  74. What kind of car should I buy?
  75. Is there a way to see who rated your photo?
  76. Does anyone love to watch Raw vs Smackdown?
  77. Are Stride Gum Wrappers really edible?
  78. Who can help me with bodybuilding?
  79. How can I be successful on a low carb diet?
  80. What do you think about plastic surgery?
  81. What is your favorite TV show?
  82. Has anyone lived in Germany before, if so, what's it like?
  83. Has anyone applied the secret?
  84. Can You Identify This Song?
  85. Is there a difference between Coca Cola and Pepsi?
  86. Why did Kurt Cobain commit suicide?
  87. How to recover e-book password?
  88. Which proposal to choose?
  89. How to make your own clothes on Sims 2?
  90. What if my best friend are ganging up on me?
  91. What are some good flight games?
  92. Artist in the House
  93. Why do I have to hold the Fn button?
  94. What song should I put on my Myspace?
  95. What is this stuff?
  96. What really matters?
  97. How to find out if my crush has a girlfriend?
  98. What can I do about my obsession with this actress?
  99. Is it normal to have discharge and burning before my period?
  100. Is it OK to be a tease to gay guys?