Beauty & Style Questions

  1. How should I have my haircut?
  2. What's the best mascara?
  3. Tips on how to make the poof stay?
  4. How long till you can take a nose stud out??
  5. Is it weird that my eyes change color?
  6. Why did I cut my bangs?
  7. How often is getting a trim necessary?
  8. How long will it take to grow hair to my butt?
  9. How to become comfortable with my body?
  10. How to shrink my hips and ribcage?
  11. How do I make my eyeshadow look shiny?
  12. Can you give me diet ideas?
  13. Is it OK for guys to like manicures?
  14. What do girls think of guys with long hair?
  15. Is my sister pretty?
  16. Which is the best hair styling cream available?
  17. How should I get my hair cut?
  18. How do I look?
  19. How do I clean my tongue rings ?
  20. Does Johnsons Holiday Tan lotion work?
  21. Do you know of a nail polish pen?
  22. Does Proactive Work?
  23. Why do I feel Different about myself every day?
  24. How to make my hair grow faster and healthier?
  25. What do you think of my haircut?
  26. Do I look like a chipmunk?
  27. How to get rid of frizzy hair from my perm?
  28. How do I get my tattoos removed?
  29. How to transform my style?
  30. What do you think about plastic surgery?
  31. Does it hurt to get your belly button done?
  32. How to keep my hair straight after I wash it?
  33. How do I shave my legs?
  34. How to make shaving last longer?
  35. How to do my own tattoo?
  36. Why do people hate good-looking people? (continued)
  37. Why do people think I'm preppy?
  38. How do I get hair like Amanda Bynes?
  39. What creams will help un-frizz my hair?
  40. Should I dye my hair brown?
  41. How to tell my Mom that I want to wear makeup?
  42. Am I pretty or not?
  43. How to convince my parents to let me cut and dye my hair?
  44. How to look pretty without makeup?
  45. How to get a big butt without surgery?
  46. Why do people hate good-looking people?
  47. How to get rid of arm acne?
  48. What are cute hairstyles for school?
  49. Are these hair vitamins safe?
  50. How to calm down curly hair?
  51. Why do guys hate Uggs?
  52. How do you stop your hair from curling?
  53. How can I get curly hair?
  54. Will you rate my photos?
  55. What are good spray-on tans that don't spot?
  56. How Do I give myself snakebite piercings?
  57. How do I do smoky eye makeup?
  58. What treatment is good for dry and damaged hair?
  59. How do you spell these fabric-like shoes?
  60. Which style would look best on me?
  61. Should I do highlights in my hair?
  62. How do you heal scabs on your face faster?
  63. How to make my breasts grow?
  64. What do you guys think of my looks?
  65. How do you clean Vans?
  66. Should guys wear Birkenstocks?
  67. Should I cut or dye my hair?
  68. Should I do my hair darker?
  69. Can I still swim with my Monroe?
  70. How to help dry skin?
  71. Why do girls care so much about looks?
  72. What clothes to wear with this eyeshadow?
  73. How to eliminate oily skin?
  74. How to get my braces off sooner?
  75. How to get black hair dye out?
  76. Really good smelling shampoos?
  77. What should I do about my bad hair dye incident?
  78. Will my hair turn orange blonde?
  79. Why do my hairs fall out so much?
  80. How to do a goth hairstyle?
  81. How are perfumes made?
  82. What do you think of my pics?
  83. Guys: Do you like big or small breasts?
  84. How can I color black hair back to my natural color?
  85. Why do our bums have a crack?
  86. Does drinking a lot of soy milk really make your boobs grow?
  87. How to stop really chapped lips?
  88. Guys: Am I good looking?
  89. How to cure my strawlike hair?
  90. How to remove a tattoo yourself?
  91. How to make my daughter's hair like Hannah Montana?
  92. What can I use to remove makeup?
  93. How do i make my bangs grow faster?
  94. How do I get rid of this aggravating flipping hair problem?
  95. Cologne? Under 18? Ladies, give me your opinions
  96. Do think this is a pretty Wedding Dress?
  97. Why do girls want to look so skinny?
  98. Is anyone here a skater?
  99. Does piercing your ear hurt a lot?
  100. How can I make my hair grow?