Beauty & Style Questions

  1. Help?
  2. Gvp straightener?
  3. Help. Purse finding
  4. Headlice && Hair cut :)
  5. christmas!!
  6. tell the difference between real and fake prada sneakers ?
  7. what celeb do I look like?
  8. how do you un infect a tounge ring?
  9. How do you get rid of scratches on legs for graduation!
  10. Itchy
  11. Getting Clear Skin
  12. black northface
  13. Howdo I find my diamond necklace?
  14. Is this my "Perfect Haircut" or not?
  15. Hair falling out... at 14?
  16. How do I make myself look preppy?
  17. yellow finger nails =\
  18. advice about weariing backless dress wid bacne.
  19. Hair Site!!!
  20. miniskirt happiness?
  21. Man's hair cut
  22. Does the 'In Styler' work good?
  23. Do you hate preps?
  24. I Need a new hairstyle/ Color...HELP ME!
  25. Having the balls to dye my hair?
  26. Does the category "brunette" include black hair?
  27. Why dont they give you jobs if you have tats?
  28. Getting a tattoo on the ribcage
  29. Hate blackheads
  30. Honey blonde to brown for summer?
  31. how do I lose weight and lose acne
  32. Going to Vegas What to Wear ?
  33. legs!!! ASAP!!!
  34. red t-zone
  35. black eyes
  36. bellybutton ring help! please help.
  37. New looks ?
  38. Hair questions for guys and girls
  39. Do I have a high enough pain threshold?
  40. Braces?
  41. Meaning of splitting tongue
  42. Wavy Hair?
  43. Is It ok to get these piercings at the same time?
  44. Piercings on girls
  45. Dimples pierced
  46. How do I get my natural hair color back??
  47. What peircings?
  48. How can I keep my real lashes to blend in w/ my false lashes to ma
  49. whats the big deal about split tongue?
  50. I need to change my look
  51. Scene Kid nicknamezx =P
  52. long lasting eyeliner
  53. I need to make my pics on top of eachother!
  54. getting your belly button pierced
  55. my smile
  56. looking at peoples eyes is scary
  57. Dry skin in ears??!!! Is that normal???
  58. Ugh mah hair sux!
  59. What will get all the dry skin of my face?
  60. hair scare
  61. Why are uggs sooo cool?
  62. Frazzled hair
  63. Bouffant Hair Clip
  64. What do you think of plastic surgury and why?
  65. Red cheeks
  66. Eye make up tips
  67. What's a good cream to make skin look healthy?
  68. Hair extenstion and color
  69. Moustache
  70. Dark hair on hands
  71. Do all hairsprays hold equally well?
  72. Switching to a purse - HELP!
  73. why give blondes a bad name?
  74. what should I do to my hair ? .. big change
  75. I'm just bored...
  76. Lip Hole
  77. nicest hair color?
  78. belly pericing
  79. Getting thicker hair..
  80. How to top acne!
  81. Do you like blonde hair?
  82. Bikini wax age
  83. Wearing sneakers out too quickly?
  84. Does my tan Look FAKE???
  85. White eyeliner
  86. Smooth legs
  87. Do snakebite piercings hurt?
  88. Attractive when a girl has snake bites?
  89. My arm tattoo
  90. Cool And Reasonable Piercings
  91. does Claire's do lip piercing?
  92. Does a skinny person look good with a padded bra?
  93. Will coffee make you shorter?
  94. Undereye circles
  95. How do you tell your girl your formal dress looks like a parachute
  96. Big breasts
  97. How do I look atractive everyday
  99. 12 year old wanting lip pierced legal or no?
  100. going from brunette to blonde