Hate blackheads

I really want to get rid of it ,every1 says that it looks ugly and im goning 2 enter high school also please tell:) Any weight loss tips also :)

Answer #1

Try getting an expholiating cream. I use that and it helps. And as for your diet, well I run a lot and eat fruits instead of snakie foods. I lost like 50 lbs just doing that over the summer.

Answer #2

Blackheads are kool!! Haha if you squeeze them then all that white stuff comes out and it looks mint lol. yes I am a bit wierd but ohh well

Answer #3

Blackheads caused by 2 effects combined because of a build up of oil in the hair follicles.

One way of getting rid of blackheads is to eat more healthier foods such as apples and salads … you could try pasta and tuna maybe add some mayo and sweetcorn.

That will also help with the diet.

Answer #4

If they’re on your nose, squeeze out. But not too much, or you’ll bruise. And yes that is possible. Just take a hot shower and the steam opens your pores and while your in the shower, take a mirror and check out where your blackheads are and squeeze. I don’t think it works on everyone though, so just try it or not. Ah, yeah I agree with bransloveyou. Limit your sugar, excercise. And yes, I am 2 years late :D

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