Undereye circles

Anyone know any remedies for dark undereye circles. I look like a panda bear. Seriously. Please help. I’ve tried a whole lot of creams that just dont work. And I know about the teabags and cucumbers too. Just want something that will make a differece. Even if its small.

Answer #1

I get very bad circles under my eyes when my sinuses are blocked maybe you could speak to your doctor or pharmacist and find out if that could be your problem.Also enough sleep.

Answer #2

I have the same problem, it really bugs me because I try to cover it with concealer but it dont work… but there is one concealer by no.7 that reflects the light its soo good

PLENTY OF WATER IS THE BEST and lots of sleep

Answer #3

you can try this: Garnier Eye Roller pen. it’s about $10. I know it’s a bit much, but the results are amazing.

Answer #4

Here’s some I’ve heard of:

-Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep every night. -Apply potato or cucumber juice on the eyes -Apply a mixture of tomato juice and lemon the eyes twice a day -Make sure you wear sunglasses when in the sun -Drink plenty of water -Massage the area with almond oil before going to bed -Crushed mint leaves under the eyes for 20 mintues a day

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