
how does one die her hair white when her hair is almost black???

Answer #1

you lighten your hair first or You just get a lighter dye, It penetrates the follicle and is supposed to make any colored hair that hair color… If you use the right type of dye

Answer #2

You should go to a professional for this. Is your hair naturally black or did you dye it black?

If it’s naturaly that color - it should be easier. You need to go to a professional though because dying your hair at home and trying to get almost white, usually leaves people with orange and fried hair.

If it’s dyed black - it’s going to be really hard and could do a lot of damage to your hair. They will have to stip the black out of your hair first, and then start dying it. It’s a lot of chemicals.

Answer #3

bleach it first and then get the color you want

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