Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Is he trying to make me jealous?
  2. Dating survey
  3. Do you like skinny or curvy girls?
  4. Why does girlfriend bite my lip then not respond to me?
  5. I'm scared of losing my boyfriend
  6. Ever felt let down?
  7. Having a crappy day
  8. What do I do about him?
  9. Love spells
  10. Is he really my friend?
  11. Being approachable?
  12. How do I tell him?
  13. Well I made a move but have a boyfriend
  14. What to do if your best guy friend likes you?
  15. When and how should I kiss my boyfriend?
  16. Does he still love me?
  17. I miss my best friend
  18. Does he still like me?
  19. Should I start the life I want?
  20. What should I tell my friend
  21. What if two guys secretly asked you out?
  22. How to stop this rumor that we made out?
  23. It seems like he doesn't care
  24. How to react to this ridiculous rumor?
  25. Has he lost interest in me?
  26. What to do about a rumor?
  27. How do I make her enjoy it?
  28. How to get my Ex-Boyfriend back?
  29. I love my ex-boyfriend!
  30. If he likes me why won't he talk to me?
  31. What should I do about a guy that likes me and another girl?
  32. What should I say to him?
  33. Im worried about my friend
  34. Tips on dealing with losers?
  35. How do you know who you're dealing with ?
  36. Feelings for someone so far away
  37. Why are guys pornos?
  38. Who is 16 and hadn't had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  39. I like her but dont now how to tell her
  40. Watching porn, is it OK to girls to enjoy it?
  41. What should I do about this stalker?
  42. What trick can I do to kiss my boyfriend?
  43. Are condoms legal to have at 15?
  44. Not sure if I can be her friend
  45. My ex has caused everyone to hate me
  46. Believing in my boyfriend..
  47. Crush asks you on a date on the same day as your big game
  48. What is it that makes my girlfriend and I think the same things?
  49. Is this love?
  50. I never know what to talk about with my boyfriend
  51. My boyfriend has danger all over him
  52. How to talk to him about his shyness?
  53. Emotional guys
  54. Whats your favorite thing to do with your girlfriend or boyfriend?
  55. How do I flirt with my crush?
  56. What if I think my man is cheating?
  57. I like this boy who has a girlfriend
  58. What is a real friend?
  59. Just found out that she wasnt talking crap
  60. What would a 24 year old guy want as a gift?
  61. What should I do about his sisters?
  62. What do you think about love?
  63. Why is my boyfriend so attached now that I'm pregnant?
  64. I want him back
  65. Can a tampon "pop your cherry?"
  66. How can I make it better between us?
  67. Your kind of kiss?
  68. Keeping conversation going on a date?
  69. Is he out of my league?
  70. Spit or lube?
  71. Being stressy all the time
  72. Boy trouble: how do you snog?
  73. Why do I feel like people are always talking about me?
  74. How do I prove that I'm crazy about him?
  75. Can I somehow befriend my crush?
  76. 21 year old birthday
  77. Should I say something
  78. Should I ask this guy out
  79. Should I get involved with him?
  80. Why do dudes always lead me on?
  81. Is my friend in a bad relationship
  82. Why are guys mean to you?
  83. Trust from my boyfriend
  84. How can I get a good woman?
  85. Is he flirting with me?
  86. What do you think?
  87. Would you ever date your sibling's crush?
  88. Is 5'6 too tall for a girl?
  89. Boyfriend broke up with me
  90. When you find out your friend likes you
  91. Has he fallen for me?
  92. How to finger
  93. Is he using me or not?
  94. My friend and I split apart
  95. What if I think I'm bi?
  96. How do I deal with this boy liking me?
  97. Am I too young for him?
  98. Advise on friendship and life
  99. Not a good friend, how to get back at her?
  100. Should I ask him out?