Am I too young for him?

So there’s this guy I like, a lot. I’m in eighth grade currently, and he’s a sophomore in high school, going to be a junior next year. I’ve liked this guy since…seventh grade, when I met him in an out of school violin ensemble, and he is in my school district, just at the high school. The thing is we don’t have violin ensemble anymore, and I’ve liked him for two years now, I thought I would get over it but I never did. Am I too young for him? Next year I’ll be a freshman and he’ll be a junior, it doesn’t sound right to me but I can’t get over him either (yes, I have seen him a few times, and talked to him a few times, though I was too shy to say a ton of stuff.)

Answer #1

cool, because in middle school, the furthest it goes is seventh graders like, flirting or going out with eighth graders. For example, this girl named Julia in seventh grade is going out with Jason currently, thats as far as it goes, so probably its quite a bit different in eighth grade from what you’re saying.

Answer #2

love has no age=] im a freshman and my boyfriend is a junior:D its actually not a big deal at all in highschool

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