Does he still like me?

So I got together with a guy wh thought I was the WORLD! He wanted me for a year and when I finally said yes, he was extatic. Then, about 3 weeks later, just as I was starting to REALLY like him, he dumped me. Maybe it was that he got tired of me? Maybe he thought I might’ve been different when he had a crush on me? Or maybe he liked someone else more? Or even maybe he didn’t like my friends? Or maybe, since I hadn’t been in a relationship for a while, he thought I was a bit stale? Becase I heard a rumor that he’s announced that he was going to break up with me because he thought I was too goo for him… Whatver he reason, he dumped me. Then, a few days later he asked me out again. It was apparently because he read a message from me on MySpace that I had sent a few days earlier about how much I loved him. Then, a few weeks later, he dumped me again. I was so heartbroken. Then, a few days after that, I saw him with another girl… and I felt even worse… But he still stares at me all he time and waves at me and stuff… though I try not to to him, no matter how much still love him… and I’m wondering, since he and his friends still look and watch me and he still stares at me and smiles at me and tries to alk to me, does he still lke me? And when he’s with his “girlfriend” at lunch, he only talks to her “friends” and not to her.. and I always catch him staring at me when he’s with her… Could this be something? Just asking… I just want to know…

Answer #1

Sounds to me like he is playing games w/your mind. Why would you want to go w/him again? He has dumped you twice. Move on w/your life, find somone who appreciates you.

Answer #2

I’m kinda going through the same thing, only his other girl is my best friend. He stares at me a lot too. The only thing I can say is that he could like you, or he is just trying to make himself look cool in front of his friends by showing off what he had and what he has.

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