Tips on dealing with losers?

So I’m tired of all the losers in my school. These freshmen keep talking about my bff because they have nothing else to do. And these juniors who think they’re x core are driving me crazy. They make fun of me for making fun of chagrin people… Not sure how that works out? But any way, I need to deal with them, I’m not just going to sit and let them be retards. What do I do?

Answer #1

thank you liz

Answer #2

you should sit and let them be retards.

everyone has their own opinions so get over it. stop acting like you’re better then everyone, and maybe that wont give them a reason to make fun of you. if you don’t like drama then don’t start drama, because you obviously are by making fun of others. you can’t act like an a$$ and not expect people to act that way towards you too.

Answer #3

oh fo sho

Answer #4

when you critisize others, it is because you don’t like something about them that is also in yourself. what is it about these people that bother you so much. maybe it’s because you are insecure. don’t be mean. you will feel really bad about it when you grow up if you become any kind of quality human.

Answer #5

ok im her bff, I know whats going on shes offended because they are being way over the top dramatic stoners like these kids are boys, older than her, and are mad because she called them out on posting pics of themselves drinking underage and all the other people are snobby and dont know how to appreciate anything different people are bad talking me because they think im lying about something which im not, it just hurts when so many people are against me franky, im telling you, the twinkie plan will work out wonderfully…

Answer #6

well I love you and liz…ill kill them for you and dont worry because we are gunna run away from all of them and have so much fun!!! whats the twinkie plan!!!

Answer #7

the twinkie plan is tie a twinkie to a string and wait till they run towards it and pull it then lure them into a tieger trap haha.

Answer #8

I tottaly agree with tina!! you should just sit back and let them be retards!! this is what I always say, “be who you are and say what you feel, cause those who mind, don’t matter, and thoes who matter don’t mind!!” - read that again… do you get it? let dem be haters and say all the crap they want…lol…you noe who you are!!… don’t let those people bring you down!!… just walk it off, DON’T HATE BACK AND TRASH TALK - cause that’s just being stupid!! drama dosen’t end, if you make it bigger!! come on now!! you’re older than they are!! you’re not suppose to care about the crap that comes out of their mouths!!

Answer #9

Dear frankisdank, They make fun of you for making fun at others…wow. Perhaps “what goes around comes around” rings a bell for you. Sue…good luck

Answer #10

Just tell them to eff off bc they are gay and not worth it.. Be like me, be like I’m guna crush you if you don’t shut the eff up!!! lol that’s what I do. :) Franky, you know me, you know I hate people… lol

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