Health Questions

  1. Do they cover you during a pelvic exam?
  2. How can I get over my anxiety?
  3. How long will it take to get over the pain and swelling?
  4. I think I might be pregnant?
  5. Why didn't taking E do anything?
  6. Does smoking increase the chance of bronchitis?
  7. Pregnant or something else?
  8. High risk pregnancy, help?
  9. What can I do about the shape of my boobs?
  10. Can my mother be cured from her CVA stroke?
  11. What makes me bruise easily?
  12. Why does the spot on my knee hurt to get hit?
  13. Why havent I had my period in 3 months?
  14. Where can I get full details about nose bleeds?
  15. How can I stop hair loss?
  16. Could I be 10 weeks and still get a negitive?
  17. Can I get pregnant this way?
  18. When does frequent urination start in pregnancy?
  19. How would you make yourself throw up?
  20. Why do I keep getting bladder infections?
  21. Could I be pregnant or could there be something else wrong?
  22. How can I get birth information if parents are deceased
  23. Is coughing up mucus dangerous during pregnancy?
  24. What does brown spotting mean?
  25. How can I heal my broken back enough to walk normally?
  26. Stop being a crab
  27. Could I be Bi-Polar ? Foreeal ?
  28. Uti infection
  29. Can a woman still bleed after conceiving a child?
  30. Yeast infection?
  31. is 5'9 short ?
  32. I got the flu and got practice tonight?
  33. I hold in my urine then frequent urination with burning ! :'(
  34. Large bump on inside thigh
  35. Sharp pains in chest
  36. Good tips on minimising scars
  37. Why the hell is it so hard for me to concentrate on things?!
  38. Immune system and pregnancy
  39. Im 14 and dont know
  40. Normal to smell fishy the day before my period starts?
  41. Currently giving a test run
  42. brownish red discharge
  43. How can I solve having panic attack lol
  44. Im 17 and there is a chance im preg. and my boyfriend is 23
  45. Muuust staaayy awwaaake! Ahhh!
  46. Am I infected after having an abortion?
  47. Something must be wrong?
  48. What does it mean when a girl is bleeding from her vigina
  49. Does anyone here have fibromyalgia?
  50. Whats the most amount of ibuprofin you can take?
  51. What causes ulsers?
  52. How can I pay for my meds?
  53. Why do I still stink?
  54. Yeast infection cause brain damage to the fetus?
  55. Will they find out I stored urine in a condom?
  56. What can I do so that I won't be so tired anymore?
  57. How long will the marijuana stay in my system?
  58. H1N1 Vaccine anyone know if it is safe?
  59. Why long till I'm 2 months pregnant?
  60. Why is my vagina and butt crack dark?
  61. What should I do about getting headaches everyday?
  62. Any ideas how to get rid of waist odor?
  63. What are some ways to effectivly stop a runny, stuffy nose?
  64. Could I be pregnant with a negative test
  65. N1H1 pregnant women
  66. Is tere a place or sum to buy fake braces
  67. Mucus in breathing at 3 months old!
  68. shortest time with the flu
  69. Just wondering...ask if they are pregnant or not?
  70. Pill
  71. Red itchy eyes?
  72. Unhappy How can I snap myself out of this?
  73. Woman question
  74. Dull stomach pains and weird pain in neck
  75. Therepy needed
  76. Clamidia
  77. Breast milk wont go!
  78. Im 13 with crabs
  79. Please help...testicle skin is peeling off
  80. Screening for sickle cell in newborns...(Q for a pediatrician)
  81. Abortion how do you feel about the topic
  82. How to grow faster
  83. Sleeping issues
  84. Cheap THC Home tests?
  85. Po pee test
  86. Random seizure
  87. don't understand why when I have my period?
  88. Anti-depressants
  89. Did I catch something?
  90. Lot's of pain in my stomach when I lay down (I'm pregnant!)
  91. I've Been Dizzy
  92. Shots at doctor
  93. I am too sensitive.
  94. Having a wee it really hurts what is wrong
  95. Abortion clinic that wont tell your parents?
  96. Pregnant I've took over 5 test..all negative
  97. when I wake up my breast hurts really bad
  98. Could this cause a mood swing
  99. 5 hour energy
  100. Havent had a period for 7 week