Did I catch something?

I was at school today, and a friend of mine pushed me towards a girl, and my mouth got on your bracelet, she hasn’t been sick, or been AROUND anybody sick, but her family, her family has the swine flu, but, she does not have it. You don’t think I’ll catch a stomach bug do you?

Sorry, I’m a bit germ-a-phobic!

Answer #1

Uhm probably not… I’ll try not to freak you out (I have issues with contamination too and my mind likes to wander), but rest assured your mouth probably comes into contact with all sorts of bacteria all the time without you knowing it, and you’re fine… the body is more resistant than you think…

Answer #2

you should be fine but just make sure your drinking a lot of water for the next few days…

Answer #3

Don’t worry about it swine flu is just like having a bad cold and you probly won’t get it

Answer #4

No guarantee, but you should be fine.

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