Health Questions

  1. What will happen if I take my earring out for a basketball game?
  2. Why my bp is always 90/80?
  3. What do I do if I'm pregnant? My Period is a month late?
  4. what are the tiny, red dots around my two year olds eyes?
  5. Can fingering cause pregnancy?
  6. What makes it hard to breath?
  7. Why are my vagina lips long?
  8. how can I get rid of a cold, anything I can make to help get rid ?
  9. Why are my nipples puffy?
  10. how do I know im mentally stable?
  11. When should I take my pill?
  12. Why am I having breakthrough bleeding?
  13. how to cure urine infection please suggest?
  14. Why is this never mentioned when it comes to anorexia?
  15. Why does the lower back (right side near hip) hurts?
  16. Can we do meditation after doing dinner?never done meditation ?
  17. what time should I get up on xmas day?
  18. why does my discharge smell funny?
  19. When shall I be concerned, is it a common cold or something worse?
  20. why is checkingultrasound oftenly dangerous on early stageof preg ?
  21. What is this weird pain in my rib cage?
  22. how can I fix a loose vagina?
  23. what could be teh reason I have a lump in my neck under my ear?
  24. How do you put a condom on with foreskin?
  25. How can I stop my ibs making me in pain?
  27. Why cant I cope with out him.?
  28. How can I get pregnant if you just got rid of ovarian cysts?
  29. what should I tell her or do to her to help ? she's prego!!?
  30. why do I feel dizzy?
  31. What is this red line from the base of my penis shaft to a bump?
  32. How...or can you die from phnumonia--and is it common?
  33. What - Could I get diabetes if I keep eating like this?
  34. What - Would you stop having your periods?
  35. Why do I keep getting viral infections?
  36. How do I cure a Tummeh ach?
  37. When do you usually bleed during pregnancy?
  38. How can I stop this feeling?
  39. how do I get to sleep fast?
  40. What are symptoms of being pregnant for 1 month?
  41. Why do sum people say a guys shoe size is the size of his well you
  42. What can I do to make myself not feel like crap and worthless?
  43. what are the athletic effects on your body of being on the pill?
  44. Who; Is it possible too NEVER catch chicken pox?
  45. why is marijuana / weed / kish / spliff etc. illegal again?
  46. what could this be? could it be a miscariage?
  47. Why do I think I have an ugly vagina :( ?
  48. What makes me weak?
  49. When ... deos the color of a guys sperm mean he can b infertile??
  50. Why am I spotting? Randomly?
  51. How can I help my anerexic friend?
  52. How do I control my hormones lol?
  53. Why did I just sleep so easily?
  54. What do think this is down to! stress depression or overworked?
  55. How late is normal for your period when first going on the pill?
  56. What is happening, am I miscarrying?
  57. What if I smoke once, just to try it, can I stop again?
  58. Why is brown discharge coming out of my vagina I am 9 weeks preg ?
  59. Why would I spot dark brown after being 12days late for period?
  60. Why does your stomach cramp with sharp pains?
  61. What can you tell me about depo needle?
  62. What do ya' think?
  63. What is this bump on the areola of my breast?
  64. Why have I suddenly become depressed?
  65. Why does he go cross-eyed when he's tired?
  66. When your a month pregnant do you pee a lot?
  67. Why does my penis smell???
  68. Where can I talk to someone to help me?
  69. How to take the edge off nicotine cravings?
  70. How can I improve my erection in natural way?
  71. How to deal with Severe-Anxiety/Panic Attacks?
  72. How can you tell your pregnant?
  73. When should I start worrying?
  74. How do you tell you have std's?
  75. Why do I always 'fart'?
  76. Why have I had a clot 2 weeks after abortion?
  77. How Does it feel Losing Your virginity?,I'm Scared:(?
  78. What are the first signs of starting your periods?
  79. Why was I spittng up blood?
  80. Why does it hurt when you loose your virginity?
  81. Why does my eyebrow keep twitching?
  82. When is it a good time to find out if you pregnant ifihadmyperiod?
  83. how jk Can ovarian cyst turn into ovarian cancer?
  84. How can I take out my anger?
  85. when white clear stuff comes out of your vigena what this mean?
  86. What is the need to take tonsils out?
  87. What should I do about all thi feelings?
  88. What are some good ways to relieve unbearable migraines?
  89. How can I stop being depressed or prevent?
  90. How much coffee do you have to drink to get addicted?
  91. Who else has relapsed (personal question but I'm scared)...?
  92. Why do they keep coming up negative?
  93. Why .. If a women swam in a pool of sperm...?
  94. Who knows a website for asking about scary stuff ?
  95. How can I get taller ?
  96. What pill is the best?
  97. How come it is so difficult to not eat?
  98. How could I get Thc out of my blood system fast?
  99. When would it be okay to take to take the BCP that I missed?
  100. What do I do to make my penis larger?