What should I do about all thi feelings?

Ok so this is caind of long, but please take the time to read. I have been feeling lost. My dad costantly hit’s me and I have tried everything so I can be happier. I don’t get my feeligs, I don;t know myself and am costantly scared about my dad, I feel the urge to tell someone fast but I cannot because of the scare feeling inside of what might happen.

I get anger out in school by acting bad and I start craying for no reason, tears drop for no reason. I can;t go to a cauncelor my dad will kill me. I just feel awful. Feelings inside me are confused and crazy!!

Plese give me any advice ytou can suggestions anathing.

Thanks for thaking the time to read.

Answer #1

I couldnt help but notice you had another question asking why your dad is spying on you. Sweety, if your dad already beating you and he’s spying on you there may be a chance he will sexually assault you. I dont want to scare you but you need to know. you really need to tell some one. tell your counsler and tell him/her NOT to speak a word of it. im pretty sure there not aloud to anyways. and if you dont feel comfortable telling the counsler then tell an adult you can trust. I know that sounds like something you heard from C.H.A.M.P.S but im serious. Like if it were me I would tell my vocal instructor. Just someone you trust and can do something or tell your bestest mate and have them tell there parents. You really need some help with this and there are plenty of people out there willing to help including people who are answering these questions for you. But to answer your question your feeling that way because you feel like no one cares. But truth of the matter is people do care. kids at your school may not want to help because the notice your behavior at school. Try to simmer down a little and not get into as much trouble. The way I get my anger out is through music. Singing, playing the piano, or just listening to it. Try it next time you get really upset. even if you dont think youre any good at singing just yell out the words. Music is a big part of our lives and may really help. But anyway. three main points of this answer: Report your dad to an adult you can trust, try not to get into as much trouble at school, and try to find another outlet for your anger.

Answer #2

It could be worse if you don’t do anything.

See a social worker at school as soon as possible.

Answer #3

Sweetheart, this is considered child abuse ? You need to report this. To the police, other family members, whatever. I don’t know you, so I can’t really accuse him of beating you for no reason… but even then, beating should neverrr be used as punishment. If he Is beating you for no apparent reason, he is fucking messed up in the head; report it to the police right now. It would be a lot easier to report him right now than to have to deal with his beatings everytime you get home. Don’t be afraid. He clearrrllyyy needs help right now, and you’ll be doing him a huge favor. They’ll straighen him out. They won’t let him lay a damn finger on you.

But just wondering, what did he threaten to do to you if you told anyone?

Oh my God, this is pissing me off so bad. You don’t deserve this. No one does!!! No matter how many times they’ve stolen, broke all ten fucking commandments, or whatever! No one!! Please don’t let him make you act out at school. You’re so much stronger than that. I know it. He’s a total douche, and he doesn’t deserve to have you. …But he’s hitting you??? Ughhh. Please turn him in. If you want to talk about, ask for my email (: God bless youuu. xoxoxoxoxoxo o.

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