FunAdvice Community Questions

  1. What happens when you forget your username and password?
  2. Who here lives in Maine?
  3. Why is there no "Art" or "Arts & Crafts" category for FunAdvice, do you think that would be cool?
  4. is there a way to delete a lot of pictures on here at one time? all my pictures except 2 are really old and so i want to delete them all.
  5. how do i write long questions here?
  6. Why can't you see who likes your comments on status updates?
  7. Where is my How-To?
  8. How are the advisors chosen?
  9. How long should it take for a How-To to get approved, if it does?
  10. How do you close your account on this site?
  11. Can u detele some of my questions?
  12. When the How-To's start working, are we allowed to get our information from a website, as long as we cite our source?
  13. there something wrong with the leaderboard?
  14. why do you get points on this?
  15. Why is FunAdvice making my questions my statuses?
  16. When you click on "edit my profile" and you change your email address to a different one, does that change what email your alerts get sent too?
  17. who here lives in glasgow , east end?
  18. Why is Funadvice more like other social networking sites?
  19. Who knows if it's normal if Funadvice shows that you're following someone, but then the server says your not, and when you try to follow them again, it says that you can't?
  20. How do you get on the leaderboard?
  21. how do you attach an explaination to your question?
  22. How do you flag someone for giving false information on FunAdvice, I clicked flag, but I didn't see anything about false information?
  23. whats it mean if your an advisor on fun advice?
  24. Why do people have to ram their opinions and what they have experience in their lives when answering questions?
  25. Who knows if you can mark a question anonymous?
  26. How does FA count views (questions, videos, pics, etc)?
  27. How can you select a person as a friend on FunAdvice?
  28. Who was the FIRST person to join FunAdvice APART form the Admins?
  29. How do you delete your Funadvice profile on this new setting?
  30. Who thinks we need a word filter that can spell?
  31. Where does it say you cannot have multiple accounts on FunAdvice in the Terms of Use?
  32. Who knows if mature questions give you points?
  34. How do I stop following someone after I click on the thumb follow this person?
  35. What happened to this place?
  36. Who agrees that they should make it so we can upload videos from our computers?
  37. Why can't I answer a question on FA?
  38. How do I write a "how to" to get points here on FunAdvice?
  39. Why did my profile picture thing here on FA change all of a sudden?
  40. why when I comment on something here the pic is different than what I uploaded..?
  41. could someone please tell me what the purpose is for getting points ?
  42. What does it mean to follow someone on here ?
  43. How many questions are you allowed to ask ?
  44. Do you think that there is a point to answering a question that was asked over 6 days ago?
  45. how many points do you get for asking a question or posting a status update and when you answer/comment?
  46. How can i stop notifications for people uploading photos or videos ?
  47. Why when I click on a question sometimes does it go to best answers instead of where I can type an answer?
  48. If i have opera mini on my cell phone can i upload pictures from it?
  49. Will there be a way to send funadvice alerts to your phone in the future?
  50. Who knows if the funadvice groups are still in the works?
  51. Why is everyone so obsessed with getting points?
  52. Can you exchange points with real money is it only for united states members ?
  53. How can I disable funadvice from sending me an email everytime I have a new alert?
  54. Is there a way to post a photo out of the ones you have already uploaded to a question?
  55. can you earn money from FunAdvice??? how???
  56. Is anybody here from Holdrege, NE?
  57. What is the definition of a 'mature' question?
  58. Would you use a feature on FunAdvice where you could email your photos, and questions and have them automatically posted here?
  59. Why isn't FA letting me sign out?
  60. what do i need to do to get more points?
  61. Is there anyway you can search the status updates on here?
  62. how come when i answer a question it isnt showing up?
  63. How can i update my profile?
  64. Who else is having problems sending fumails?
  65. Can I get a list of what words are not allowed? I don't recall cursing, and I'm constantly having to re-word my answers x_X
  66. Who can help me figure out what is wrong with one of my answers?
  67. how do i delete my questions or fix it?
  68. Why is is it that every time I try to ask a question it ends up being a status?
  69. Why do my questions not get posted on the main Questions area?
  70. Why is it that almost on a daily basis theres a string of questions that all relate closely?
  71. How do I find registration to apply for a part time job on
  72. How do i delete a photo?
  73. Does anyone else think that the new funadvice is a bit of a rip off of Twitter and facebook?
  74. How do I delete a video I accidently posted twice?
  75. how do you remove photos from your profile?
  76. Do us advisors not have our tools or abilities right now while the sites still changing or do i not have them because im using my phone?
  77. Why isn't my profile letting me change my relationship status?
  78. How come questions I ask on here sometimes dissapear?
  79. why does every question i asked not understood by everyone?
  80. how do I change my default on here??
  81. how do you delete a status update or question you asked?
  82. Why can't I send replies in my funmail?
  83. Is terro*ist a banned word here?
  84. why is it that every time i put a question in it pops up as a status update?
  85. how can i make my questions private??
  86. How do I either remove someone that is following me and I am not following them, or at least block them so I am not getting flooded with their updates and
  87. Is there a way to not get emailed everytime someone does something on funadvice?
  88. How does the money for your points thing actually work?
  89. How do you find "How Tos"?
  90. What, to you (our loyal users), sets FunAdvice apart from other "advice" sites?
  91. why is it showing a different picture when i post something?
  92. Why can't I change my settings??
  93. Would we get points for any previous answers before the FA change?
  94. Has anybody else gotten an alert for a new fun mail today and had it disappear?
  95. Why are the answers I'm typing not posting?
  96. How do I create a howto?
  97. What categories give you the most points for a good answer?
  98. Why do my questions go to the status?
  99. how do u delete this site or at least stop it from even new post being sent to my hotmail?
  100. Who here can speak Filipino?