Questions & Answers

  1. When rating songs, what should you listen for?
  2. how do you use sea salt for an infected monroe piercing?
  3. How do you explain to a child what "before" and "after" means?
  4. do YOU think we should change the pledge of alligiance?
  5. How can i ask my dad what kind of cancer my grandmother died from if he doesnt like to talk about it?
  6. How would I go about getting treated for bi-polar depression without any medical insurance?
  7. How do you make a plant cell out of playdough?
  8. How do you make a resume, if you have never had a job or experience?
  9. What are some themes in the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson?
  10. What does H.A.F stand for?
  11. How do you catch a mouse without killing it?
  12. How, and Why, is OCD a genetic disorder?
  13. Why do authors use short, snappy sentences?
  14. whats your thoughts on single mother/father-hood?
  15. where can i find obsolete rubber stamps?
  16. Can i wife charge her husband with rape if he raped her?
  17. Who else has heard of tan injections also known as Melanotan ?
  18. Why are Scene Queens becoming more and more popular among teens ?
  19. What is factual correctness?
  20. How can I keep from coughing my throat raw tonight?
  21. How do you get rid of unwanted flooring on Sims 2?
  22. is it ok to lose a pound in your second trimester of pregnancy?
  23. When a guy pays for you on a date, do you get upset?
  24. Any women on here actually go into labor at home and had there water break - what exactly happens?
  25. Can a blackberry be used anywhere in the world?
  26. What alternative products can you sub for dairy products if you cant stand that taste of soy & it makes you want to gag?
  27. What makes you want to follow a certain FA member & why?
  28. does anyone know when season 2 of glee is coming to the UK?
  29. What was your favorite drink or food as a kid?
  30. What's the weirdest question you've ever heard in your life?
  31. Why are specific videos/movies/clips etc banned in some countries and not others?
  32. Is it just me or is the world getting filled with more and more fakes?
  33. Are you in denial about something in your life?
  34. Is your religion a barrier to employment?
  35. Do you think I should lie for my friend?
  36. Would running away solve problems?
  37. Are questions about Jehovah's Witnesses "verbotten" on this site?
  38. how do i get those longish curls? my hair is kinda thick.
  39. what is the best brand of roll up tobacco?
  40. what is the most complex coding?
  41. is there a home remedy for hot spots on a dog?
  42. Can my friend move in with me and my family at 13?
  43. Does anyone on here know a little about jtag xboxes?
  44. How do you find out who you are at the age of 13?
  45. Where can I download a free trial version of Microsoft Access 2007 or higher?
  46. When will we be able to vacation for a week on the moon?
  47. Can i sue my mother?
  48. why do you get better gas mileage on interstate than on short trips around town?
  49. is it true that if you have bangs then you could get more pimples on your forehead?
  50. what is the difference between cash and credit transactions?
  51. What Songs Can I Use For Cyrano De Bergerac?
  52. Do law firms usually take Volunteers who are not law students or paralegal students yet and have no prior experience in Law?
  53. who thinks xmas is over-rated?
  54. What is your mission in life?
  55. what is a good duet to sing with the guy is singing and the girl is singing??
  56. What is a good murder mystery?
  57. Why are the letters on a keybord arrenged the way they are?
  58. how do i not embarrass myself when i wear heals?
  59. What do you think of the Zara Baker disappearance in Hickory, NC ?
  60. Whats the name of a pink pill with 25 on one side and a "V" on the other side, its sort of in an oval like shape?
  61. Why is my breathing getting more and more harder when i play my bass clarinet?
  62. Is stem cell research still a highly debated these days?
  63. What is you favorite crime drama?
  64. Who knows if it's true, that if you and your partners blood type is NOT compatible, that you cannot have a child together?
  65. can you use "hydraulic" in a sentence?
  66. how can you stay away from drama that is affecting your life?
  67. How do I stop this companies from sending me emails?
  68. What are some most valuable attributes employers look for within possible employees?
  69. How can I increase circulation to my hands?
  70. How do i put backrounds on different photos using Photoshop elements 7.0?
  71. What is one jazz singer from the 1920s?
  72. Who can give me advice on starting back at my old school?
  73. how to improve communication skills?
  74. is there any way to convert a website that is in German to English???
  75. is it gay if a male gets his "navel pierced"??
  76. What is a good way to preserve my newly styled hair whilst I sleep?
  77. can new born babies have depression?
  78. Would Jesus have walked around or floated when he was alive?
  79. Why is there a rash on my arm right where my contraceptive implant is ?
  80. What are some things i can do for my little man to make him feel better from a cold?
  81. is it natural for me to feel sick after having a little bite of a dry cracker when i have the stomach bug?
  82. How low should your haemoglobin level be to be classed as anaemic?
  83. What are your thoughts on Numerology?
  84. does cycling help in regulating heart beat?
  85. How do i concentrate with music on?
  86. Have you used evernote or another memory / knowledge management software before?
  87. what can and can't you eat while you have the stomach bug?
  88. how do i make my own teepee?
  89. Why don't my videos show up in Windows Movie Maker?
  90. How big and old do scienctists believe the universe is?
  91. Why is the Arizona Immigratinon Law contradicting the 14th amendment?
  92. Whats the name of the thing designers always use to make a dress and such on?
  93. What do you do when a house guest keeps leaving lights on and tv and ect......?
  94. is it normal for me not to remember my first day of school?
  95. Why do most children dislike bathing?
  96. how do u move back to your old town without being emancipated and knowing your mom wont let you?
  97. How do I bring my eyebrows to original colour after an accidental bleach job?
  98. What's your favorite Halloween treat?
  99. is There Going To Be A 3rd Season Of Teen Mom?
  100. Do you guys believe the government is getting to involved in our freedom?