How can I lose 15 pounds in 1 week?

I weight 203 even tho I look 160 how can I lose 15 pounds a week???

Answer #1

just dont eat a lot and if your strest about something like a divorce you could loose 9 pounds in four days. for real but it “unhealthy”… so just work out and eat slower never eat more then 1/4 of a pound each meal but eat when ever your hungry but wach your calories it works!! P.S. try drinking when you fill hungrey I herd that over 70% or so of amaricans eat when thare thirsty always drink a 12 oz. watter befor eating it defanitley works! I mean I do it and im 109 pounds! so beleave me its healthy to oh and lemonade & ice-T helps! drink it whenever you dont want watter take my eddvice! just try it for a week or two=]

Answer #2

I don’t think that’s possible. the only way to achieve that kind of weight lose is by taking extreme measures like getting surgery. Try setting a more realistic goal, bumping the time span up to maybe 2 weeks to a month.

Some good tips:

  • don’t wait until you’re absolutely starving to eat something because you’ll be so hungry you’ll overeat and that defeats the purpose.
  • It’s better to eat every few hours, but not full meals, rather light snacks.
  • you can eat anything you want as long as you use portion control.
  • stop eating when you’re not hungry anymore; don’t wait until you’re stuffed.
  • exercise a lot
  • drink plenty of water.
Answer #3

I used to wrestle. Now, I know many ways of losing weight in hours but they aren’t healthy. (I’ve lost 9lbs in 2 hours before just to certify in my weight class)

Now, for a more healthy solution… Try eating more fruits and vegetables. A nice grapefruit (little or no sugar) Maybe a glass of orange juice or water for breakfast. For lunch try a salad with diced chicken. Use a George Foreman grill to drain all the excess fat out. Use little to no condiments. You’d be surprised how much a tbsp of ketchup can add up. Dinner could be a piece of grilled chicken or salad. Try to have light dinners because people rarely exercise after eating at night. They go to sleep with all of the food in their stomach with nothing to burn it off so it ends up sitting there for 6-8 hours (depending on how long you sleep for) If you have to eat because you’re hungry, don’t eat a lot. To prevent strong hunger, eat in between meals. A piece of fruit usually does the trick. Grab an apple or two. After all, it’s mostly water anyway. Try to avoid red meat and saturated fat at all costs. Carbs are okay if you intend on exercising a lot.

Aside from the dietary guidelines… try running or jogging, walking if you have the time. Think of it this way- It doesn’t matter if you walk or run a certain distance. Say you run a mile in 7 minutes. You’ll be burning the same amount of calories if you walked a mile in 15 minutes. It’s just that running is quicker and you can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. After running you could try some Taebo or aerobics. Believe it or not, weights don’t even have to be touched. There are plenty of exercises out there that can help you lose weight and gain muscle in no time at all. You just have to do them. :)

Answer #4

I used to wrestle. Now, I know many ways of losing weight in hours but they aren’t healthy. (I’ve lost 9lbs in 2 hours before just to certify in my weight class)

Now, for a more healthy solution… Try eating more fruits and vegetables. A nice grapefruit (little or no sugar) Maybe a glass of orange juice or water for breakfast. For lunch try a salad with diced chicken. Use a George Foreman grill to drain all the excess fat out. Use little to no condiments. You’d be surprised how much a tbsp of ketchup can add up. Dinner could be a piece of grilled chicken or salad. Try to have light dinners because people rarely exercise after eating at night. They go to sleep with all of the food in their stomach with nothing to burn it off so it ends up sitting there for 6-8 hours (depending on how long you sleep for) If you have to eat because you’re hungry, don’t eat a lot. To prevent strong hunger, eat in between meals. A piece of fruit usually does the trick. Grab an apple or two. After all, it’s mostly water anyway. Try to avoid red meat and saturated fat at all costs. Carbs are okay if you intend on exercising a lot.

Aside from the dietary guidelines… try running or jogging, walking if you have the time. Think of it this way- It doesn’t matter if you walk or run a certain distance. Say you run a mile in 7 minutes. You’ll be burning the same amount of calories if you walked a mile in 15 minutes. It’s just that running is quicker and you can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. After running you could try some Taebo or aerobics. Believe it or not, weights don’t even have to be touched. There are plenty of exercises out there that can help you lose weight and gain muscle in no time at all. You just have to do them. :)

Answer #5


  1. drink lots of water
  2. control your foods(eat less or eat healthier)
  3. when your hungry drink a lot of WATER
  4. exserrsize might help a lot if you do it hard
  5. anytime you have the chance go outside get a good workout
  6. eat fruit for a snack or plane lettus mmm
  7. create a scuedual like…make sure you go out for 30min or more every day at the same time of day
  8. if you dont want it to seem like your doing this on purpose say the reason your not eatin is because you feel sick :-D
  9. find fun ways to exsursize like riding bikes swiming playing OUTSIDE


Answer #6

well you cud start by using something that cleans out your colon and drink lots of water and cranberry juice and make a drink with lemon juice, ginger and honey mixed with water, you probably lose 20 from that, kinda unhealthy though.

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