Questions & Answers

  1. Is daily hair loss normal?
  2. Why did she break up with me to go back out with me?
  3. What are cute hairstyles for thick hair?
  4. What can I do to make my hair thicker?
  5. Is it hot enough out for you?
  6. Are you all glad that school is starting?
  7. How can I get thicker?
  8. Do you have to blanch the beans before you freeze them?
  9. What foods are bad for dogs?
  10. How many feet is .3 acres?
  11. Should I start dating someone else too?
  12. Why don't I have my period when it's been months?
  13. When will the guys in school grow so I'm not taller?
  14. Guys: What do you think about a little chunk on the thighs?
  15. Do guys think about girls all the time?
  16. How long does a henna tattoo last?
  17. Does wearing eyeliner at night ruin your eyelashes?
  18. Am I pregnant if it's been 31 days since my period?
  19. Why doesn't anyone want me?
  20. How to deal with an overbearing Grandmother?
  21. Which Girl Scout Cookies are your favorite?
  22. How can I stop my fear of the dark?
  23. Do you think that parents should buy their children a car?
  24. What is your favorite season of the year?
  25. How can I get my dog to stop nibbling?
  26. What are some jobs for a 15-year-old?
  27. Can I be pregnant from dry sex?
  28. How can I get my friend to play with me?
  29. Can you move out at 17 in North Carolina?
  30. Will my first time hurt?
  31. Do guys think about girls as much as girls think about their guys?
  32. From bleached to dark brown - temporary
  33. Is drinking milk during your period bad?
  34. How do I tell my parents I'm pregnant?
  35. How do I publish my homepage?
  36. Are my periods late from pregnancy or menopause?
  37. Is there a good website for cheap Marlboros cigarettes?
  38. What do you think of my looks?
  39. How can I get my email back after being hacked?
  40. How can we get my cat to accept this new kitten?
  41. How does a 13-year-old find a job?
  42. Why are older guys interested in me?
  43. How much would a butt implant cost?
  44. How can I get my skin to glow?
  45. Can energy from the body be used for healing?
  46. What do you think about my picture?
  47. What's the diference between Physics and Astrophysics?
  48. Does age really matter?
  49. I like my best friend...but his best friend likes me!
  50. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck?
  51. What's up with the Celestine Prophecy book?
  52. How does the mind formulate thought?
  53. Can I rent an apartment at 17?
  54. How can I get my hair dye right?
  55. How do I create my own site?
  56. What should a Christian really act like?
  57. Harry Potter movies or books?
  58. Why did Cain get scorned for giving and Able praised?
  59. Do you have any information on a tongue web piercing?
  60. How do you pierce your own nose?
  61. Does anyone know a really really nice hotel in Maui, Hawaii?
  62. How can I get results if dieting doesn't work?
  63. Should I get the implant removed if I have side effects?
  64. Am I too short?
  65. Should a guy shave down there?
  66. How do I get a flat stomach?
  67. Does anyone think Matt Dallas is cute?
  68. Which household chore do you hate the most?
  69. How many feet make a mile?
  70. How can I get my ex out of my head after all this time?
  71. What's a TV projector and LCD television?
  72. How should I highlight my hair and what piercing to get?
  73. How do I download songs on my MP3 player?
  74. What to do when he pops back into my life?
  75. How can I stop being nervous about starting a new school?
  76. Do Tokio Hotel have songs in German and English?
  77. Will your hair grow longer if you wear a ponytail?
  78. Does a rubber tree plant have an odor?
  79. Why won't Knight online work?
  80. How can I determine grammar and pronunciation for a new language?
  81. Why can't I give my girlfriend an orgasm?
  82. How can I curb nighttime cravings?
  83. Why does a poodle's fur change colors when they lick it?
  84. Why am I randomly dizzy and tired?
  85. Is stopping medication to blame for premature ejaculation?
  86. Can I lose sixty pounds in two months?
  87. Will my parrot get along with a cockatoo?
  88. How do I make money when I'm only 14?
  89. What are some really funny jokes?
  90. How can I earn $2000 for a bird I want to buy?
  91. Do I have a bladder infection or am I pregnant?
  92. How can I prove that I've grown up to my parents?
  93. Is it bad to not eat much and exercise a lot?
  94. What's the average weight for a 14-year-old at 5'7''?
  95. Is this statutory rape in Nebraska?
  96. How do I upload a picture to FunAdvice?
  97. What did you think of the Harry Potter book ending?
  98. Does anyone like the band Nickelback?
  99. Will teeth whitening make them too white?
  100. What do you do when you think no one is looking?