Can you move out at 17 in North Carolina?

even in nc can you move out I am 14 now and soooooooooo ready to go I get busted for everything now

Answer #1

In North Caroline, you can petition the court system at 16 years old.

Let’s see how ready you are to move out.

Do you have a job to support yourself? Do you have a place to live? Do you have medical coverage in the event that you require medicine or hospitalization? You will need a car in a few years. How are you going to pay car insurance, gas and for any repairs that might come up?

You see, once you emancipate yourself from the care of your parents and their legal residence, they are no longer responsible for you.

My daughter is 19 now and moved out after she graduated. She and I both knew that, under NY State Law, she could have moved out when she was 16. However, I impressed upon her that no way, no how was she ever ready to do so. She listened to me in that respect, stayed here, finished high school and graduated. And now she is working, and paying her bills and so forth.

You really need to take a look at the whole picture. You may not like the rules and so forth imposed upon you in the household, but just think about it, in the long run you will thank your parents for having given you boundaries.

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