Questions & Answers

  1. How do I tell my boyfriend I'm pregnant?
  2. How do you translate stones in to pounds?
  3. Do human brains work in two parts?
  4. Is anyone from Oklahoma?
  5. Where can I find pictures for media and marketing?
  6. Should people be more educated to stop global warming?
  7. Do you think the latest Pirates of the Caribbean was good?
  8. Which messenger is the best?
  9. How do I tell my parents I'm pregnant?
  10. What are free chat sites?
  11. Which race has better sex?
  12. What do you consider fat?
  13. Is it normal to argue and fight everyday?
  14. How do I play Halo 3 without going on XBox Live?
  15. Did I have a miscarriage?
  16. How can I make sure to catch the bus?
  17. How can I become a pop star?
  18. Can you collect stamps and give them to me?
  19. How can I get over my friend lying about cancer?
  20. Is my penis too big?
  21. Are you taking life too seriously?
  22. What do I need for my wedding reception?
  23. What are some tips to help me lose weight?
  24. Where to buy great gowns in Brooklyn, NY?
  25. When will the error go away?
  26. is this a good drawing?
  27. How can I lose more weight with anorexia?
  28. What are new fingering techniques?
  29. How do you make your thighs really small?
  30. How to save money?
  31. What do I do if my iPod froze?
  32. Can you dye your hair twice in one day?
  33. What if I don't know how to have sex?
  34. How can I stop feeling like this since I found out?
  35. Have you heard "Crank that Forrest Gump"?
  36. What are tips for shaving the bikini line?
  37. Is a fever during pregnancy a big deal?
  38. How do I convert music to a ringtone?
  39. What should I do for my boyfriend?
  40. What's a good website to learn Korean?
  41. Should I apologize to my friend?
  42. How should she get her hair cut?
  43. What are ways to help me beat my high school mile record?
  44. What do I do when a guy I like is dating someone else?
  45. How do I pull up the pictures I uploaded?
  46. How to do that relaxation technique by pressing the ear?
  47. Is it too early for Christmas?
  48. How do I shave my legs?
  49. Should I tell my ex I want to sleep with him?
  50. Would "Dreaming of You" by Selena be a good wedding song?
  51. How do I get my hair to be neat?
  52. How do I get rid of dandruff?
  53. Am I being too overbearing?
  54. How do I lose 7 pounds by November 18?
  55. Does anorexia help you lose weight?
  56. How much weight will a grapefruit diet help me lose?
  57. What if my parents don't know the trouble I get into?
  58. Should we go through with it and have a kid?
  59. Here's another poem: Do you like it or not?
  60. Why won't the Sims 2 recognize my DivX?
  61. How can I find my real Dad?
  62. Should I wait for him?
  63. What are good website games for two people?
  64. How to earn money fast from Google Adsense?
  65. Can anyone help me with this Spanish question?
  66. Is there a way to quit smoking?
  67. Don't you hate it when you fall for him but he has a girl?
  68. Anyone knows how to create a forum fast?
  69. Is the Las Vegas TV show worth it?
  70. Why freshers get their jobs too late?
  71. What is AJAX?
  72. What is
  73. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
  74. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
  75. If we are here to help others, what are the others here for?
  76. Why isn’t the number 11 pronounced onety one?
  77. Would you choose a burger or burrito?
  78. How can I make my girlfriend be more comfortable?
  79. How do Labradors and Poodles mate?
  80. What's the name of this rock song?
  81. Is this a good diet to bulk up?
  82. How to quickly lose a tiny bit of weight?
  83. How do you get over almost losing your family?
  84. How can I slim down muscular legs?
  85. What are good art and craft ideas?
  86. What is she thinking?
  87. What if he says he still loves all his ex's?
  88. How can I get over my ex who's dating someone else?
  89. Where can a 13-year-old work in San Diego?
  90. What's an easy way to get money?
  91. How to get your created player on a team in FIFA '08?
  92. Is a week after sex too early for a pregnancy test?
  93. Can I be an author when I'm older?
  94. How do you delete a Gaia account?
  95. Why is Gaia being so weird?
  96. What do I do if my teacher saw my cutting?
  97. Which career should I pick: drama or psychology?
  98. Why is my period late if we had clothes on?
  99. Why do I have this relationship with my parents?
  100. Why is my vagina itching?