Should we go through with it and have a kid?

Should I? I’m 16 and me and my fiance want to have a kid. I’m still in school and so is he. We both feel ready. We’re saving up money and he has a job and I’m getting one…for now. We almost had unproteced sex once but decided againts it. Now we know we want a kid and have planed everything. should we go through with it?

Answer #1

Best Plan: education, ring, date, marriage, then baby.

Answer #2

I am not going to tell you not to have a child your life is your life and what you do with it is your choice just remeber that God is really the one in control and once you have that child your life is know longer lived souly to your self and you will have some one else to take in to consideration too…i would say get married and then have a kid if yuo can deal with marriage then you can deal with a child…living wit a r eish a guy even one you deeply love is not as easy as it sounds hey living with any one is not as easy as it sounds…i think you need to do some living before you give life to some one else…there are a lot of things in life that at six ten you just dont know and have not been through most six teen year olds these days are not prepared to tak on th world..some are and othters have not gotten there and the ones that are mostly where forced to grow up fast…mmm becareful what you ask for…God bless and may his peace be with you.

Answer #3

no no no…not at 16…that is wayyy to young…i have a 3 year old and it can get so crazy…pls dont do it until you are financially and emotionally ready or you will REGRET it…plus it can put a huge strain on your realationship…live your life or when you are older you will regret it…just my advice..

Answer #4

I think that you should have it and at least if u dont want it there are plenty of familys that would like to adopt a baby . who cant have one and of u need to talk feel free to funmail me at any time unless u dont want to talk thanks for letting me give my advice bye

Answer #5

No you should wait until you are out of school and you both have stable jobs. And is he your fiance or do you just say that. Because I am almost positive you cant get married until the age of either 17 or 18

Answer #6

your 16..and wish I could pull that off…well I dont want to tell you how to live your life but fun mail me and ill tell you somestuff about what I think..if your willing to tho…=^_^=

Answer #7

Engaged at sixteen? Fair enough, I’ve heard stranger things before. Like being engaged at thirteen.

You should wait until you’re at least twenty-one before you have a kid. You have no idea what kind of changes you’re going to go through in the next five years. For all you know, you may not even be with your now-fiance then.

At least wait until you’re done with high school. Who do you think are going to take care of your baby when you’re at school from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.? Your parents? Nice try, but that’s not what your parents are for.

Answer #8

I think you answered your own question. If you have to ask should you, that indicates to me that you have some major doubts. If you had everything planned out so well, with money, a home, clothes and etc then you should feel confident. Dont forget you arent have just a “baby”, this is a whole person, that will become a toddler/tween/teenager/adult and will rely on you for their every need until they can support themselves. This is not a choice to be made lightly. If you are in love/engaged you know you will be sharing a life together, so why not wait until you not only have just a “job” but a career, a home and life experience behind you??

Answer #9

My mom was 16 when my oldest brother was born. It was soon after he was born that my grandmother passed on. She raised his on her own with no help from anybody. As she did with my two other brothers. She didn’t have wic,welfare,family or anybody else helping her take care of her 3 kids. She went to work,clothed them,fed them and made sure they were taken care of. Back then it could be done.

Now days are different. The cost of living is higher then they were back then. It’s hard for a young couple to get started with having a life.

Answer #10

Ummm well honestly i wouldn’t because #1 you don’t know if the guy has aids #2 if you do plan on having a child i would get tested #3 how are you going to take care of a child and graduate from highschool? I mean you should really be worrying about getting a career. I would say wait till your 21 about and if you still with the guy then go right ahead but if you have a child right now maybe the guy your with will be freaked out and wouldn’t want to have anything to do with the baby. just be careful and if you do decide on having a child get tested and find someone or someway to help you with school.

Answer #11

Well, even when you think you’re ready, nothing really makes you 100% ready for a baby. Think about it- what if your child is born with Down Syndrome? Not the nicest scenario, but it happens. Are you prepared for that? You will need around the clock care, special education for your child, etc. You need to be prepared to run with any curveball life throws at you, and at 16, I highly doubt you would be prepared for that.

As corny as it sounds, get yourself an education, and go out there and experience a few things, maybe go overseas for a bit, have some fun- wouldn’t you rather live your own life before you create another? Because if you have a baby now, that stuff will probably have to wait at least 20 years.

Answer #12

no b/c i know this grl dat went 2 my school who had her boyfrinds baby and he left her 2 weeks after she had the baby and he hasn’t talked to her since and now she has to drop out of school and rise her kid on her own you shouldn’t have a baby unless you can rise it on your own b/c you never know if he is really going to be there for you in the end

Answer #13

i think no way finish school first u dont want to have kids and they follow u i just say dont do it

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