Beauty & Style Questions

  1. how long after having your eyebrow pierced can you draw in your eyebrows again?
  2. What happens if you shower right after you tan outside?
  3. What is a good website to order metal band t-shirts?
  4. how long do i have to wait to change my cartilage piercing?
  5. why is it that im 16 and have stretch marks on my boobs?
  6. What kind of materials are there for nose rings?
  7. What do you do - tan or burn?
  8. Can anyone draw really well??
  9. Does anyone have any good tux ideas for me?
  10. Do you think its bad for a 13 year old to have tattoos and piercings?
  11. How do they make gumballs hallow?
  12. Do i need a bra?
  13. what is the best anti aging cream?
  14. Why can't you use flavor jello to make your own pore strip?
  15. What if i keep getting pimple`s and zit`s all over my face , does that mean my period is coming ?
  16. is it possible to have scene/emo hair without having bangs?
  17. How do you shirk your Skinny Jeans down a size?
  18. how do i stop my hair smelling burnt ?
  19. Where would i find an amazing scene haircut in Pensacola?
  20. What is a good texturizing clay/putty to hold your hairstyle for the whole day?
  21. is it bad to use a benzol peroxide acne product and tea tree oil at the same time??
  22. How do you make home made pore strips?
  23. How can I preserve my hip tattoos when i decide i'm ready for children?
  24. Who thinks mothers with tattoos and piercings is trashy?
  25. How do I alter a sleeve of a blouse because it has become to small for me to get my arms through?
  26. how i can make my pussy more white cause it has more dark color than my rest body?
  27. do bangs make you look like u have a small forehead??
  28. are there any hair dyes that are safe for permed hair?
  29. What tattoos do you have or What kind of tattoo would you like to get ?
  30. Who prefers blondes over brunettes or visa versa?
  31. What is your favorite Converse style, pattern, and color?
  32. Why does using dandruff shampoo make my dandruff worse, and what else can I do?
  33. What sun cream has a UVA and UVB protector?
  34. What is a good face mask, preferably the ones that make your face feel tight.
  35. How can I get my nose stud out?
  36. How do i shave without really shaving?
  37. why do I have a widows peek!?
  38. why is it so hard to look perfect on picture day?
  39. is it true that ppl are more attracted to ppl that dress & keep their hair done nice??
  40. Would I be able to wash out a semi-permanent die while I have a perm?
  41. is there a website where you can uplaoad your photos and see what you would look like with certain piercings?
  42. What's better for moisturizing skin?
  43. Is an epilator okay to use on the full bikini area region?
  44. How can i get my cl!t tattooed on?
  45. What would YOU like the hair dresser to spend more time on when you go to the salon?
  46. Is there a way that i can keep my hair the same way that it is right now overnight?
  47. What is the legal age to get a piercing in Arkansas?
  48. Is there any way or brand of eyeliner that is partially waterproof?
  49. Does dying your hair make it softer?
  50. Where can I find a video of how to curl my hair with the instyler?
  51. Who knows if it's true that horse shampoo makes your hair grow longer?
  52. What color will semi permanent black dye fade to on my hair?
  53. is it safe to use nair on the pubic area?
  54. Who has used Live hair dye?
  55. Which combo do you think is best to use that does not make the hair greasy?
  56. is it true short hair makes you look prettier??
  57. Does chocolate break your face out?
  58. When using mousse, do you put it in wet hair or dry hair?
  59. Where can I find a graphic artist for my clothing line?
  60. Is Manic Panic's claim true about "if your hair is more porous, it'll work better"?
  61. What 's the difference between a Model and a Super Model?
  62. How much makeup is2 much??
  63. What are some cute ways to do eyeliner?
  64. Is it healthy for me to apply lotion on my hair for more moisture?
  65. When I go and get my lip pierced, can I request studs instead of rings?
  66. How come your soo gorgeous? ;)
  67. How to make dark long hair look good?Okay so i have long blackish (well its a mix between black, dark brown, light brown, and a deep brownish red color and its
  68. what do you think of Rubber/silicone bracelets?
  69. whats a good way to hide a bad haircut!!???/ >.< I now have hair that is a full 2 inches longer on one sid ethan the other!!!!!!!!!!! HELP
  70. Does it hurt to get your clitoris piersed and is it worth it?
  71. What is so great about Model Mayhem??
  72. Are ceramic braces better that normal metal braces?
  73. Why do really skinny people call themselves fat or pretty girls call themselves ugly?
  74. why is it when you wear makeup to sleep its bad for you?
  75. How do you prevent getting green fingers from wearing certain rings?
  76. Where can I buy real clip-in hair extensions in Calgary?
  77. What color shoes would look good with this dress?
  78. Do snakebites leave visable marks under your lip?
  79. How do i fix my eyebrow?
  80. How is the background of a clothing line supposed to be done?
  81. How should i cut my hair if i have medium length hair, and it is pretty much very thin?
  82. Is it ok to use my acne face wash on my burnt face?
  83. what:: if i take my belly bar out for a few hours will it heal up?
  84. Can you shave your eyelashes?
  85. how to do nail art?
  86. Are matching hip peircings attractive to a 14 year old boy?
  87. Why do jeans shrink in the wash?
  88. what does an eyebrow peircing feel like? (like comparing it to something else)
  89. How can you naturally die your hair dark brown with natural things? becuase my mom wont let me go get it dyed anymore :( and yeah
  90. what kind of balls are usually on bioplast tongue rings? are they acrylic or steel? help!
  91. Where can i get a small hoop cartilage piercing in MA??
  92. Where can I find a plain, solid fitted crew neck tee to wear underneath tank tops and stuff?
  93. where can i find a tut petticoat type thing to make dresses poofier?
  94. What would this haircut look like: long hair with Short top layers and side banges?
  95. Is It Bad To Die Your Hair Alot && Always Blow Dry It && Straighten it ??
  96. should i or should i not get highlights?
  97. What Color Highlights Do You Recomend? help??
  98. What is a good way to hide having uneven breasts when your at the beach in a bathing suit?
  99. Do you think that dahlia piercings will suit me?
  100. Which hair salon is better Bubbles or Regis hairstyling, cuz i really dont trust juss anybody to do my hair?