Beauty & Style Questions

  1. Nose piercing or not?
  2. Is this a size 8 ?
  3. Should i get a monroe or spiderbites?
  4. What hairstyle can I wear to school?
  5. How to clear up acne?
  6. Spray Tanning tips?
  7. How to make your hair grow fast?
  8. Dark circles
  9. Hair products to straighten?
  10. Embarassed by my small chest
  11. Finding a cute swimsuit
  12. Should I get highlights?
  13. How to get smokey eyes?
  14. Perfect hair color ?
  15. Got A Haircut
  16. Product for blackheads?
  17. How do I deal with my sister wanting to be goth?
  18. Firming Creams..
  19. Invisatrack weaves
  20. Vagina area hair
  21. Left ear pierced
  22. Do you like Dreadlocks?
  23. How much would it cost to get my eyebrow pierced?
  24. Piercing needles
  25. I want to help her
  26. Need Help Choosing Foundation!
  27. Is getting a tattoo really as painful as people say it is?
  28. Monroe Piercing
  29. How can I remove manic panic hair dye?
  30. I want a skinnier face
  31. Tips for clearing face
  32. How do I tan without freckling?
  33. Hair Productsto get volume?
  34. What do you think beauty is?
  35. Hair removal?
  36. Noisy sandals - how to keep them quiet?
  37. Why are people so rude to emo and goth people?
  38. How old do you think I am
  39. A. Simpson's hair for me maybe?
  40. Are saddlebags really disgusting?
  41. Do you think blonde hair would suite me?
  42. I have wavy hair and split ends
  43. Why do people think I'm gay?
  44. Do people care if you get bed hair?
  45. Morning hair
  46. Getting rid of acne
  47. How do you keep your cooch smooth
  48. Best brand of shampoo for damaged hair?
  49. Do you prefer shaved or hairy?
  50. Crooked Teeth
  51. A few questions about belly button piercings
  52. I want scene hair
  54. Hair ideas?
  55. Does having a belly ring make you a slut?
  56. Do I tell my Mom I shaved down there?
  57. What are your opinions on piercings?
  58. What are the bad things about contacts?
  59. I think I could be better with some work
  60. What makes someone beautiful?
  61. Bigger boobs ?
  62. Help my toenail's gone!
  63. How to get rid of peeling skin?
  64. Highlights
  65. Sleeping with contacts?
  66. What does this mean?
  67. Why do people call beautiful people ugly?
  68. Bumps when shaving down there
  69. Do I wear my retainer when I sleep?
  70. Which boob is your favourite?
  71. Do most girls shave down there?
  72. Best tanning oil?
  73. How do these jeans make my butt look?
  74. Best color eyeshadow for hazel eyes?
  75. Best colour eyeshadow?
  76. Good brands of metallic shimmery eyeshadow?
  77. Contractubex does it help for removing the scars?
  78. Will lemon juice make your skin tone change?
  79. Nose job prices and locations?
  80. What are some good hair/makeup tips for japanese/lolita styles?
  81. Encouragement to look my best
  82. Planet silver piercing
  83. I want to perm my hair
  84. White highlights
  85. I never thought I'd ask this...
  86. What color shoes should I wear with a teal and white dress?
  87. Is it okay to get ugg sandals wet?
  88. Down there shavers
  89. Washing & cleansing 'down there'
  90. Convince parents for a nosering?
  91. Blonde dye over highlights?
  92. How can I make tattoo ink?
  93. Which colour lipliner is good?
  94. Would I look good blonde?
  95. Belly button pierced, which part?
  96. Get rid of hickies?
  97. Is it true that undyed hair grows faster?
  98. Am I ugly? How do I stop being so insecure?
  99. How can I treat an infected ear piercing?
  100. Braces vs. Retainer